.::words of love::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I remembered talked to a friend last few days on how we can be a happy person if we relate all the things that happened to us or around us with qada' and qadar. If we are a true believer, we will always believe that nothing happened as a coincidence. In Surah Al-Qamar, Allah has mentioned that:

"Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before the creation as written in the Book of Decrees - Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz)." (54:49)

Again, in Surah Al-Furqan, Allah says that:

"....He has created everyting, and has measured it exactly according to its due measurements." (25:2)

There are other verses that talked about this but I guess the two ayats are enough for us to think and powder about how we had acted or behaved in live. How we had perceived things all this while. Sometimes, we tend to sigh over certain things. Sometimes, we tend to live in sadness and grief when we lost or missed something. Sometimes, we tend to have bad assumptions towards Allah when things doesn't happened according to our will. And most of the times, whether we realize it or not, we never satisfy with what we have. We always want for more. All these possibilities are very common to many of us, or at least to me.

Life is indeed challenging but I guess Allah has provide us with a guidance as to how we choose to lead our life. Whether we take the challenge or give it up is all depends on us. But if we understand and could internalize the words from Allah, insyaAllah we will be fine...not only here but in the Hereafter as well...aminn.


p/s: I suddenly interested in doing charity works or community service. Hmm..I hope I'll get the opportunities soon....insyaAllah.


kylex said...


Yaa, setiap kejadian tu pasti ada hikmahnya..Kalo difikirkan semula sesuatu kejadian yang menimpa kita tu, kita mesti tahu kenapa ALLAH jadikan kejadian tu kat kita dan inilah Qada Dan Qadar kan..;-)..Sy pun ada cerita psl ni,hu3..Kal pk2 blk, mmg itula yang terbaik utk myself dan ia buatkan sy tersenyum..

-LyS- said...

i like this post..

yeah, it's so true..i guess sumtimes i sigh too much, n let small tink affect myself..perhaps if we get closer to him, then we could view things more differently n positively..

nway, how's ur study? goodluck fo ur test tomoro..xstudy lg..asmgnt pon xwut..huhu

-LyS- said...

* closer to Him

rienmiel said...

to kylex:

yup...saya teringat ayat ni:

"Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengathui". (2:216)

to lysa:

yup...it's so true

"view things more differently and more (lysa, 2008)"

my test? my assignment?
u shud knew me lysa...
last minute worker...hehe