.::069 : 2nd mission : my wish list::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Referring to my first entry under "novel" tag, I would say that my first misssion has nearly accomplished. Out of 5 books that I wanted to read, I have already completed 4 of them. Here goes my new wish list.

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih II - Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Di atas Sejadah Cinta - Habiburahman El- Shirazy
Dalam Mihrab Cinta - Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Nyanyian Cinta - Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Di Bawah Naungan Cinta - Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Advencer Si Peniup Ney - Faisal Tehrani

I just realized that Habiburrahman El-Shirazy use the word "cinta" as the title of most (if not all) of his books. But, mind you that this "cinta" is not typical like those in most teenage novels I used to read years ago. In his novels, he brings you to know, to feel and to search for the true love which is love of The Lord. And if you ever think that I am in love right now by looking at the title of books I wanted to read, the answer would definitely be "YES, I DO!!!"

p/s: Knowing Faisal Tehrani's writing from Sis Syada and I think I am starting to love his works as I much as I fancy Kang Abik's =)

p/s: mungkin kene tunggu hujung tahun br dapat bace all these books. mane nak dapat kat sini...sedey ;(


.::068 : because you worth it::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Sometimes, some people just don't realize how they have played a part in one's life. Sometimes, we need neither teacher nor school to "learn" for "knowledge" is everywhere for us to look for. Sometimes, we need no proper time to "owh...I need to reflect myself" for it could happen anytime, anywhere in any circumstances. Yet, all these things could only happen for real if we never stop thinking. As mentioned in the Quran, all the things that happened around us are for us to think.

Thanks for those around me who have made me who I am right now. Whether you realized it or not, your presence in my life did give an impact to me. And I am looking forward to meet you, chat with you, laugh with you each day as those are my "school". I may not be an excellent student, yet who knows I may become a better individual one day. Dakara, I promised myself to never stop learning and never stop reflecting as long as my heart beating and my brain functioning...insyaAllah.

"Dan apakah Kami tidak memanjangkan umurmu dalam masa yang cukup untuk berfikir bagi orang yang mau berfikir, dan (apakah tidak) datang kepada kamu pemberi peringatan?" (35:37)

p/s: let's fight jin mona...gambatte ne!!!


.::067 : vacation mood::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

Kelas baru je bermula semalam. Tapi, since last week, saya dah sibuk merancang percutian bersama kengkawan. InsyaAllah, jika diizinkan Allah, kami berlima (read: me, syikin, syal, iffah and zai) akan ke Brisbane dan Gold Coast semasa mid -term break nanti. Urusan pembelian tiket sudah pun selesai. Baru tadi saya mendapat e-mail dari Qantas. Kirenya, itenerary from Qantas dah pun settle. Sekarang, kami hanya perlu menunggu e-mail dari Jetstar pula. And with that, everything about ticket will be out from our check list =).

Hari ni takde kelas. So, sepanjang hari ni, saya asyik menghadap laptop. Bermula dari merancang study for this semester, saya terus mengemaskini my personal budget. Bila rase ada duit sket, baru la ada semangat untuk merancang percutian pula. Perancangan untuk mid-sem vacation seakan sudah selesai. And now, I am looking forward for winter-break-vacation. Hajatnya, saya ingin pergi ke dua destinasi pada cuti tersebut. On the list right now is Melbourne (and perhaps Adelaide) as well as New Zealand. Tapi, tak tahulah. Kita hanya merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan. Vacation tu semua pun masih lagi dalam "planning zone". Rasanya jauh lagi bulan July tu kan =) Lagipun, seperti takde promotion sale sekarang which means harga tiket mahal oi!!! hehehe. Who knows, kalau memang sudah rezeki, dapat la kami beli tiket dengan harga promosi like what we got last year. Bersyukur sangat dapat balik Malaysia dengan harga yang sangat la membahagiakan...Alhamdulillah.

Oh ya, I once mentioned about my brother's wedding last January kan. Since saya tak berkesempatan untuk capture any pictures on that day, I would like to share their pictures which was uploaded by their photographer here. Harap iboy and kak nisa won't mind with this sharing =)

p/s: cuaca panas harini...rasa macam bulan puasa plak...and this remind me of the 10 days that I had promised to fast (read: saya telah bernazarkan sesuatu pada tahun lepas dan alhamdulillah, dimakbulkan Allah) Say yes to fasting!!! hehehe


.::066 : picnic time::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Semalam kami bersantai2 berhampiran Macquarie Lake. Ramai gak yg ada. Sudah tentunya kami berempat (me, syikin, syal n iffah...sedey zai x dpt join), 3 org rakan2 dari Melbourne (kak noni, kak hanim n kak idah) and 2 org juniors (hanin n fariena). Mulanya menjangkan hari akan cerah tapi still panas gak. Takpela...after all it's summer babe.

The best part of the day was obviously the food. Kak noni memang seorang chef yang hebat. Tabik2!!. Dahla malam tu kak noni masak lasagne...smalam plak die masak roti pizza for our breakfast...sedap bangat!! Antara lain, kak idah prepare sandwich, kak noni n kak hanim masak mee spagetti, syal buat kek batik, fariena buat cucur. Me? Tukang merasa aka tukang melantak...hehe.

Ktrg actually x sempat la nak berpicnic sgt sbb makin lama makin panas lak. Dah la matahari OZ sgt membahayakan kesihatan. Sudahnya, ktrg end up makan klat umah je. Masa nak balik tu, I was the one walking at the front...sakit perut la plak kan. Dahla jauh nak jalan balik...hehe. Tp, ktrg sempat gak la main beberapa games kat tepi lake tu. Syiok gak. At least dapat la kenal each other lebey mendalam lagi...hehe.

Lepas makan2 tu, dorg sempat la solat zohor sesama. Pastu kami pun ketiduran kerana kenyang...hehe. Alhamdulillah...rezeki yang baik hari itu.

p/s: arini dah stat klas. And today, ade klas bilinguliasm. harap2 incik iliya casule tu yg bagi lecture instead of verna. tp x kisah la. moga semangat ayamku akan berpanjangan...kekeke. gambatte ne!!!


.::065 : sorry::.

Sometimes...I think I had carried out all my responsibilities...responsibilities as a slave to The Lord, a daughter to my parents, a sister to my other siblings, an aunt to my nephews, a student and a friend. Yet...yesterday, I just realized that I have missed one of my duties. I had abandoned my job as a friend. Thinking that I have been left behind all this while made me realized that it wasn't their fault at all but mine. Sad and at the same time guilty...that's what I feel right now. But I knew, life must go on and it's my choice now as to be idle forever or to mend the idleness. Sorry dear friends!!!

.::064 : saling merindu : i heart u::.

walau bibir tak pernah bermadah
walau tinta tak pernah mencoret
hati pasti tak tahu menipu
betapa aku sayang kamu

thanks Allah sebab dia hadir dalam hidupku

.::063 : missing you already::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

I should be writing about my three-months-holiday in this entry. But I think, what I feel right now is more important than those stories. But still, I have decided to write about what I have experienced during that memorable period of time...maybe some other time...promise =)

Today, 18th February 2008, I have safely arrived at Sydney...a place to be for another ten months to complete my third year of degree. The plane landed at Sydney Airport around 6.30 a.m. and we took a taxi (sort of) to macquarie uni village at about 8 a.m. I am not sure why the driver took such a route (the one that we never used before, which was way too far from the usual one, and which cost us $135). But it's okay, money can do anything!! (I think it is still ok since it cost us about $35 per head (read: there's 4 of us all together). Being in the taxi and having to go through such a bad traffic (read: it's monday morning btw) made me feel so miserable. Ahhh...tensen berkali-kali. Alhamdulillah, with the strength given by Allah, I could deal with it until we arrived at our house. If I am not mistaken, we arrived at about 9.30 a.m.

Upon entering our house, I straight away looked for my u-card and room key that iqa kept when she left sydney for brisbane last december. Bringing the u-card to admin office, I straight away asked the RA on duty to upgrade the card since the new contract began only in January (I was in Malaysia =). I also bought with me a $40 internet card (read: I shared with syikin...hehe). I don't think I can survive living here without internet connection...at least now...before the class commences on the 25th February...which is next week..duhhh!!!

And the best part of the day is, I am missing home already...right here, right now. Missing all my beloved nephews...naqib, nafis, iman and qiqi...ahh...tensen2X. Missing doing all the household chores and daily routine (which seems boring yet enjoyable), missing my special activity with my mom, missing going to kebun with mak and abah, missing every evening touring with my sister and nephews, missing everything...everything about them, everything about you. I just hope everything will be back to normal at least tomorrow. I need some time to adapt with changes...adapt with present and absence...ceh!!!

Planning to do house cleaning tonight or perhaps tomorrow. Maybe some groceries and toiletries shopping should also be listed for tomorrow's schedule. The day after next, buy the text for the first semester and if possible, do some ironing work. Wow...so many things to do for this re-settlement...hehe. Luckily, I have a week before the class start. So, no rush I guess. What important is that I should make sure I have something to do all the time so that I will stop thinking about the homesickness. Come on babe, you are already 21 now. Never act like 12 year old girl...ceceh...self motivation nih. I think this entry should stop here. My stomach needs immediate attention now =) I think instant porridge will do for today or at least for this evening...hehe...

Salam ~~