.::032 : yeay::.

just read today's newspaper and i found that the national football team won the Pesta Bola Merdeka...yeay..
actually, i don't really keep track of their performances like i used to do years ago...
but, the headline on today's newspaper somehow stimulate my interest to figure out more about their latest achievement...
and...finally they have proven that they can do it...gift for the 50th independence they said...bley la...
don't really recognize the players except for hafiz zamani n zaquan adha...
aish...i have nearly forgotten my fondness towards you guys (dulu2 la)...ahaks...
whatever it is...keep up the good work...

.::031 : jangan biarku terleka lagi::.

setiap hari ku berazam...
agar ku tak leka dalam kelam...
mengulang dosa semalam...

namun, setiap hari juga...
ku lalai dalam perjuangan...
hanyut dalam kealpaan...

aku benci setiap kali...
bila kumungkiri janjiku lagi...
bila kunodai niat murni naluri...

mengapa aku begini...
apa sebenarnya yang ku cari...
lupakah aku pada Rabbi...

Ya Ilahi Rabbul Izzati...
kurniakanku petunjuk suci...
jangan biarku terleka lagi...

.::030 : hukum membuat sweeping statement / generalization::.

actually, this entry reflect nothing about the title...
maybe just a little connection...

just recently, this one issue suddently interest me...
about making sweeping statement / generalization...
i could clearly remember how mr. lawrence (my beloved lecturer...duhh) keep telling us not to make sweeping statement in our written assignments when i was in ipba back then...
i learnt by heart these three principle when making statement...
1st - state
2nd - support
3rd - elaborate
if we could incorporate these three key elements in making certain statement...then only the idea will be considered valid...
his 'drilling' really effective for me as i always try to apply these principles in my daily life...

what interest me more is that in Al-Quran, i found that Allah never make generalizations...
for example, in some verse which talk about punishments to certain community, Allah never make generalizations but include limitations or exceptions...
i'm so impressed...subhanallah...

so, i've made my conclusion...
all this while, i know that every knowledge comes from Allah...be it about nature, science, commerce etc...
but now, i believe wholeheartedly that all knowledge in this world comes from Allah...
indeed, Allah is ever-Knowing...

.::029 : kek batik AU::.

all u need are:

50g butter
8 tablespoon Milo
8 tablespoon milk
1 cup water
1 egg
1 packet arrowroot/marrie

chef-d-mission: rienmiel n syikin

.::028 : biskut cheesecake AU::.

all u need are:

12 pieces of digestives biscuits
25g butter
55g brown sugar

325g philadephia cheese
100g sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

chef-d-mission: rienmiel

.::027 : otanjoobi omedetou okaa-san::.

alhamdulillah...at last i managed to complete 'the' assignment...
i'm kind of sad since the desire to post this entry on the actual date cannot be fulfilled...
nevermind, at least now i could post this entry...
specially dedicated to my mom...

happy birthday mak...
i'm so sorry that i can't be there...celebrating with you...
i wish that i could always stay beside you but you know...sometimes, it's when we are apart that we appreciate each other more than we always do...
i'm glad that i have you in my life...
you are one of the greatest gifts from Allah for me...
and i'm grateful for that...honto ni!!!
sayang mak....


.::026 : layakkah saya::.

sem ni seperti lebih tough dr sem-sem sebelum ni...
tapi saya yakin, saya mampu lakukannya...
saya rasa tak perlulah kita mengeluh bila kita rasa kita ada banyak kerja atau tanggungjawab yang perlu diselesaikan sebab saya percaya semua perkara ini memang sudah ditaklifkan untuk kita...
jadi, tak perlulah gusar...
apa yang penting, kita perlu lebih tenang dan bijak merancang masa (walaupun saya selalu gagal untuk merealisasikan hasrat ini...huhu)
dan sesungguhnya, ketenangan itu datangnya dari Allah...

setiap kali saya rasa susah...saya selalu terfikir akan nasib saudara2 saya di bumi al-Quds...
mereka jauh lebih susah dari saya...
ujian mereka lebih berat, tanggungjawab mereka lebih banyak...
di sana, mereka perlu menempuh ujian getir even semasa hendak ke sekolah...
hatta kanak-kanak kecil pun terpaksa bermujahadah dalam perjalanan menuntut ilmu...
betapa besarnya pengorbanan mereka...
saya sepatutnya perlu banyak bersyukur...
saya telah diberi biasiswa, peluang belajar di luar negara, menetap di tempat tinggal yang selesa...apa lagi yang saya mahukan...
teringat ayat ini dalam surah Ar-Rahman..."Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?" (55:13)
jika hanya perlu menjalankan tugas sebagai pelajar pun saya tidak mampu lakukan...di mana layaknya saya berada di bumi Allah ini...
saya mohon pada Allah agar dipermudahkan segala urusan dan sentiasa menjadi hamba-Nya yang bersyukur..ameen...

"Dialah yang telah menurunkan ketenangan ke dalam hati orang-orang mukmin untuk menambah keimanan atas keimanan mereka (yang sedia ada)." (48:4)

.::025 : dan hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati kan tenang::.

at last, i feel that i could see the shine of hope...
though there is an element of uncertainty in something called "hope", i think it is not wrong to be grateful and feel relief...
i always consider every single moment of happiness or sadness as oppurtunity for me to reflect...
reflecting...in any ways...makes a better me...maybe...
whatever it is...this entry is made to indicate that "pentarbiyan di musim hibernasi" has nearly come to it's end...insyAllah...

quote for today:
"Jika Allah menolong kamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkanmu, tetapi jika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak memberi pertolongan), maka siapakah yang dapat menolongmu setelah itu? Kerana itu, hendaklah kepada Allah sahaja orang2 mukmin bertawakkal" (3:160)

.::024 : it this the end::.

menunggu hari esok selepas tiga bulan penantian sebenarnya agak mendebarkan....
ntahlah...sometimes, kita tak tahu apa yang Allah dah rancangkan untuk kita...
walaupun kita rasa susah, tertekan (sometimes) dan macam2 lagi, sebenarnya kita tak sedar yang kesusahan itu ada nikmatnya yang tersendiri...
satu kenikmatan yang sukar nak digambarkan apatah lagi untuk dikongsi bersama orang yang tidak mengalaminya...
ramai orang selalu cakap "takpe, aku faham perasaan kau"...
tapi betul ke mereka2 itu benar2 faham perasaan mereka2 yang mengalami?...ntahla...
walaupun saya selalu juga cakap macam tu kat orang lain tetapi sebenarnya bile diperhalusi...macam x je...
setiap individu tu tak sama...so, cara masing2 deal problem pun mesti tak sama...
therefore, ape yang mereka rasa juga tak sama...
so, maybe mulai saat ini, saya kene cuba tukar response yang patut diberi kepada individu lain bile mereka ade masalah...
maybe...response yang lebih jujur dan telus...ahaks...

diharap perancangan Allah esok akan memberi satu turning point baru dalam hidup saya...
walau apapun natijahnya esok, saya akan tetap bersyukur kerana tanpa tempoh tiga bulan itu, saya tak mungkin jadi diri saya sekarang...
thanks Allah for giving me this opportunity...a very meaningful moment for me esp. for my spiritual development...
and i would consider those period as "pentarbiyahan di musim hibernasi"...huhu

.::023 : a come back::.

ahh...dah lame sgt blog ni ditinggalkan unattended...sian die...
so, in a way to make sure that this blog seperti masih ade owner i.e me, blog ini haruslah di update...

actually, there's a reason for why this blog isn't updated for such a long period...
but today, here i am...giving a new life to this thing...
a come back..maybe...

anyway, there's a lot of things happened around me during my hibernation period...
if only I could report them all...emm...maybe sometime later...if Allah permits...insyaAllah...
but what i'm looking forward at this time, this moment, is this coming summer holiday...
i'll be meeting my family as well as the two newcomer in our not-so-big-but-getting-bigger family...my nephew and my future sister-in-law...insyaAllah...
kinda excited to meet them all...
i think that's all for now...
i hope everything will be the same as they used to be (so that i could blogging more frequently)...insyaAllah...
may Allah gives me the strength and spirit to continue this journey on the right path...always...Amin...