.::anuar ibrahim kahwin?::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Semalam masa lecture linguistik (LING 316: Second Language Teaching & Learning), lecturer saya ada la gune satu gamba ni. It was a front page of a tamil newspaper. Actually that time we were learning about the process of reading. And she was talking about the activation of formal schema. Kirenya, dalam pre-reading process, ade beberapa perkara yang boleh berlaku. Satu, activation of content schema. This is when kite nyer prior knowledge or experience is activated. Yang lagi satu, the activation of formal schema. Yang ni melibatkan text structure sume tu la. So, my lecturer tunjuk la gamba ni:

Die suruh bdk2 Malaysia ni senyap je and tanya la student2 lain; "What do you think about the picture?" The best part is, ada yang jawab; "It's a wedding". And kami pun ape la lagi, bantai gelak je. It was so interesting that without prior knowledge, orang boleh cakap something yang sangat la jauh tersasar dari makna sebenar gambar tu...hehe. Maybe because dorg tengok ada kalungan bunga tu kot. Ni menunjukkan dorg ade la schema pasal general indian wedding kan =)

Actually, my lecturer's point is, without prior knowledge pun, kite leh kenal yang tu adalah newspaper. Even kite x leh baca tamil pun, kite leh teka, mana nama newspaper tu, mana headline and mane text yang mendetailkan headline. Ni lah yang dinamakan formal schema...as in kite ade knowledge pasal general structure of newspaper. And towards the end, my lecturer said to the class; "It's definitely not a wedding...it's Anuar Ibrahim".

So, title tu hanya gimik semata2 =D


p/s: owh..Ramadhan sudah hampir tiba nih...ku sungguh teruja ^_^ Salam Ramadhan semua =)


Anonymous said...

sbg ahli akademik, kita diajar agar mendapatkan kebenaran dari sumber yg pertama.

sbb tu dlm tesis kena rujuk buku yg premier. sbb buku sekunder kdg2 blaku kesilapan fakta.

dlm kes nih, anwar ibrahim mmg kawen. dia kawen dgn perjuangan dn idealisma dia. hehe

rienmiel said...

salam cikgu~

ni serius mcm skema jawapan sejarah...
ade sumber primer n sumber sekunder sume ^_^

but i guess, your argument is valid dan kukuh =)

Anonymous said...

Was it from Jean Brick?
Gosh, I think it was.
See, that's why I love her very much.
She's so knowledgeable and good at using material fantastically to deliver her points.

I miss her very much . Haha.
Selamat berpuasa pada awak:)

Kak Majidah

rienmiel said...

to kak majidah...

oh..oh..terharu akak mengkomen di blog ini =D

yes...jean brick memang best...
ni sem kedua belajar ngan die...

selamat berpuasa juge kak ;)

Bookworm said...

hahahahaha klakar~yes its a wedding~adeh~

Anonymous said...

lawak2.. huhuhu

rienmiel said...

to kak jamie n ibnulazim:

hmm...memang klaka org putih nih =)