.::298 : panic attack::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

OMG!! Next monday dah start practicum...ini serius!!!
Cuak sgt2 sebab rasa cam x ready lagi...
Nak tunggu betul2 ready...bile pun tak sure...

Ya Allah, kurniakanlah aku ketenangan dan permudahkanlah segala urusanku...
Bantulah aku untuk menamatkan semester ini dengan cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang...aminn...

To warga SMKTS,
see you on Monday ;)


.::297 : empty::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

This is only my third day in college but I already feel lonely...
I am not alone but still I feel empty...
I know I am not a good friend...I don't know how to socialize with others...
Often the case, it's my friends that come to me...not the other way around...
I know it's unfair for them but what to do...I just don't know how to start...
Sometimes, I feel that I am very selfish as a friend... but am I really like that?... I hope not...
If that's really my attitude, I knew in the end, I will have no friend at all...hmm...

This is the time when I really missed the moment I spend with my sister and my wonderful nephews :(


.::296 : Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah, setinggi2 kesyukuran dipanjatkan kepada Allah S.W.T kerana sebahagian beban perasaan yang ditanggung selama ini telah hilang. Before this, banyak sangat perkara yang saya risaukan. Dalam tempoh tu, mulalah penyesalan demi penyesalan terhadap keputusan yang dibuat sebelum ni datang...buat hati rasa tak tenang. Tapi, saya lupa... manusia merancang...Allah turut merancang...tapi perancangan Allahlah yang terbaik kerana Dialah Si Pencipta yang faham benar apa yang terbaik untuk makhluknya. Sebagai makhluk yang kerdil ini, we actually have no right to question whatever that happened to us because it's indeed the best...though it might not look like one from the outside. As a Muslim, we should always believe that there is nothing in this world that happened for no reason...and in fact, be it something that we like or not, things always happened for good...if we ever reflect upon it.

And today, I feel very happy because I could now see the reason why didn't I get the thing that I want. Rupanya, Allah dah takdirkan kami dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik....insyaAllah. Indeed, it's in Islamic teachings pun kan that we need to leave everything to Allah. Sometimes, the plan that we think will work very well could turn out to be very dissapointing and sometimes, the plan that we think will 'kill' us could turn out to be something that we really enjoy...we never knew but He does and will always be...

Moral of the story:

(1) "It may well be that you dislike a thing but it is good for you, and it may well be that you like a thing but it is bad for you. God knows, and you do not know." (2:216)

(2) Sentiasa berserah pada Allah dalam apa jua keadaan. There's no point of crazily worrying about the future when we knew that He has planned everything for us. Dalam bahasa kasarnya; "Dia tahulah apa yang ok dan tak ok untuk kita... So, just face it because in the end, kita memang akan benefit dengan apa yang berlaku...(provided kita buat dengan cara yang betul la eh ;) Yang penting, kita yakin dengan takdir Allah.


.::295 : teristimewa::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

It's almost 23 years that his character existed in my life. And it's within that period that he's been sacrificing his life for me. When I was young, I always feel that he's not as important as Mak's character. I could even say that I obviously love Mak more than him. And if I were to choose between Mak and him, I would definitely choose Mak...there's no doubt about that. But I was wrong. As I reflect on how meaningful his character to my life, I began to realize that having him as the father is as meaningful as having Mak as the mother. They both has greately impact my life but in different ways. I can't even lie about my feelings that I actually love them both...not in similar ways but alike...

When I was younger, I never bother about the past but thinking about it at this age, I felt so touched by all my parents' deeds especially Abah (because it's only recently that I feel so jiwa2 about him ;).Now, I've been thinking how would I repay all their sacrifices to me. Even if not all (I knew it's impossible because it's countless), I wonder how could I make them happy.

So, in conjunction with Father's Day Celebration today, I would want to wish Abah...

Happy Father's Day!!!

I don't know how describe my feelings right now... I can't think of doing it verbally or in written form. The feelings are all mixed up... If only the tears could speak...

But there's two things that I want Abah and Mak to know;

It's really a blessing to have you in my life
I am sooooooooooo proud and honoured to have you as my parents

Thanks to Allah!!!

I pray to Allah to always guide me to be an obedient daughter to my parents, to be a daughter that they could proud of and to finally be a reliable child in this life and the life hereafter.....amin....


.::294 : tak kenal maka tak cinta::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

It's 2 a.m. now and I am still awake. For some people, it's normal but for me, such a moment rarely happened in my life. The reason is simple. It's because I am not a night person. I usually sleep at 12.00 a.m. (or...maybe earlier if there's nothing good to do..hehe) and will start my day as soon as I performed my Fajr prayer. That's on normal basis la... There were times when I tido balik lepas solat...hehe...

It's been a while since the last time I wrote about self-reflection. So, I kind of feel to write about that tonight :) So, let me start....

Whether we realized it or not, everyday, we must have learned or experienced something new about life. Sometimes, the thing that we learned or experienced is not totally 'new' to us...but it may somehow strengthen or proven what we already knew.

For example is the title of my entry; "tak kenal maka tak cinta". I bet everybody knows what the phrase means...or least have heard about it. But I think, the extent to which one truly understands the phrase depends on how well he or she can relate his or her own experiences to the meaning of the phrase. I also think that the understanding about the meaning of the phrase is greater if one could relate it to many different (i.e. not similar) life experiences. I am not sure how valid my thought is but that's what I feel....huhu


.::293 : topicless::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Dah dua minggu cuti...tapi tade perkara menarik pun yang saya lakukan...
Most of the time...jadi bibik kat umah sendiri...
Last week, ade la sket aktiviti...tolong mak and abah kat kebun and tolong2 sket masa kak liza and ai kawin...
Pastu this week...langsung tade buat ape except kemas rumah n tengok2kan budak2...
Teruk betul rasanye bile asyik tengok tv je...
Now I realized that how boring life is totally depends on how we choose to lead it...
So, padan la muka kan ;P

On another note, I still anxious to know how had I performed last semester...
It's not that I have high expectation tapi hope tu ada la sket2...
Memandangkan result yang dah tahu before cuti aritu hanyalah sekadar harapan palsu semata2, so cuak gak la nak tau result sebenar...
Dah la ni semester terakhir part2 teori before practicum next sem...*sigh*
Tapi sebenarnya, what to expect if I knew it well that I didn't do it well...haha
So, redha je la apa adanya :)

Sangat tak semangat untuk start next sem sebab kene prac...
Actually banyak la sebab2 lain but I guess there's no space kot untuk feeling2 like this...
Whatever it is, kene buat gak kan...
Biasela..kalau dah cuti lama camni, memang la selalu nak rasa camni...boring tul...

And lepas ni, ade mission besar...kene turunkan 3-4 kg of my current weight...
Serius macam ayam ternak je dok umah ni...
Bile tnya mak...die memang ok jer but what I worry most is my health condition...
Kena la beringat2 kan sebelum terkena...
Td dah check glucose n blood pressure...sume ok mak kate...
Tp cholesterol x check lagi...
Reason? Takut nak amik darah...
Harap badan je besar...hahaha
Tapi tu pasal la saya x jadi doktor...hehe

K, la...kot ye pun topicless kan...habis merapu ntahpape...hehe
Harapnya seminggu yang berbaki ni mampu dimanfaatkan...insyaAllah
