.::267 : terasing::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hampir dua minggu saya di sini...di tanah tempat tumpah darah. Tapi, masih banyak perkara yang seakan 'asing' untuk diri saya. Oh, saya tahu, saya 'pergi' bukan lama, tapi tempoh itu sudah cukup untuk buat saya rasa 'terasing' di bumi sendiri. Oh, jangan juga terlalu mudah membuat penilaian tentang diri saya. Saya bukan membuat kesimpulan membabi-buta. Tapi sejujurnya, itulah yang saya rasakan saat ini. Mungkin, saya hanya perlukan sedikit masa lagi untuk menyesuaikan diri. Dan memang itu yang selayaknya untuk saya sekarang kerana ini memang tempat saya...dulu, kini dan selamanya :)

Biar saya rumuskan beberapa perkara yang masih menjadi 'masalah' untuk saya:

(1) My body and skin - Oh, kulit saya memang terlalu sensitif. For the time being, I have rashes especially on the face. Mungkin, saya tak biasa lagi berpeluh so that everytime I am sweating, badan jadi gatal2. Solution, everytime I sweat badly, I have to take shower...have to. And I think the ichiness is caused by the pollen from oil palm trees gak kot. I don't know but this is, according to mom, could be a cause too. Hmm...mengada kan. Duduk kampung sejak sekian lama but alergy towards the pollen of oil palm trees. I hope that this won't harm me any further....insyaAllah.

(2) Money esp. coins - I have problems dealing with coins because OZ coins and Malaysian coins differ in terms of sizes. RM 0.50 = AUD 0.20, RM 0.20 = AUD 0.20, RM 0.10 = AUD 0.05 -all in terms of size. Pernah sekali kat Econsave, the cashier asked for RM0.40 but I ended up gave her RM0.90. Oh, malu rasanye.......ceh! So for now, everytime I want to use coins, I have to carefully look at the value stated on each of them. Sangat kekok but I bet over time, I'll be ok. I knew this is a very minor thing but imagine, mana ade orang dok perhati nombor on the coin before making any payment. Usually, I just took it off from coin purse based on its size je...or maybe it just me kot :)

(3) The people - Entahlah, I am not sure whether I have changed or the people a.k.a society in general. Maybe, both are true. Currently, I am attending driving class (huh? just doing it? YES!) and I met various types of people...mostly fresh school leavers. Yes, they are 17 and I am 22...the number does matter for it could be the reason why we 'think' and 'behave' differently. But, somehow, seeing them, observing them, I feel like I have missed a lot of things. I really feel like a stranger. It's difficult to describe here...but frankly speaking, sometimes I feel lost. I feel like I don't belong to my own people. This is the time when I really wonder if age was the only factor that made me feel isolated or was it because of the different attitude I used to see among Australians in general. I don't know.

I guess 3 are enough for now. I am not here to comment nor criticizing. I just tell what I feel...at least for now...and I bet in few more days...or weeks...or months...things will change or my perception at least.

Okay, till I crap again in next entry...daa.



snm | snm said...

sehat x? :)

xpe..br 2 mggu kan..myb rien patut rajin klua dr rumah, tgk dunia..pegi banting, tgk sekeliling..lpstu, pegi klang..tgk org2..x pyh rien jln2..rien ddk satu tmpt or bangku..perhatikan semua org :)

Anonymous said...

ala siannya sampai tertukar2 duit syling..lain kali simpan ikut saiz in different comprtment eh.

mardotti zaaba said...

amrien! rindu2! ish aku pon mesti lost bab2 duit syiling tu nnti. aku pun jenis ikut saiz. aiyo pengsan la. aku nk balik msia january ni. kot2 aku p ipba bley jumpa

rienmiel said...

to kak falin:

saya sihat alhamdulillah...
cume I think my alergy jadi teruks la...

hmm...ur idea sounds good...
tu la...maybe I should do that...
thanks sis for ur suggestion :)

to fez:

hmm...maybe bcz itu my first experience kot...
over times...mesti dah okey balik...
mengada la kalau x ok2...heh

to mard:

mard, aku pun rindu...
aku rindu oz and the ppl :)
ok..kalau g ipba, roger2 la eh...
selamat pulang...malaysia menantimu...hehe

AnisS. said...

hey kak amrien :)
anis pun rase same..
mase nk bayar kat cashier,
slalu ingat 10sen tu 5sen.
sbb rase cam kecik je klau nk compare dgn australian nye 10cents kn?
and and..lagi satu,
i still feel awkward being in a m'sian crowd..
the culture is diff kan?
cewah, cakap mcm dh 10 tahun je duk aussie..
pdhal bru 10bulan..hehe..
take care kak amrien :)