.::016 : 5 things they like and hate about me::.

hmmm...it has been a long time since the first time i thought of posting this entry...
but, it was just recently that i managed to carry out some surveys among my friends...
and...below is the report for the study...

statement of the problem:
i am confused for who i am...
ppl say that we don't really know and understand ourself...
yet, our friends are the best mirror...

purpose of the study:

to know what kind of person i am from ppl's perspectives...

limitation of the study:

since this question involve ppl's heart, i'm not pretty sure with their answers...
some may tend to exaggerate, some may tend to "jaga hati", some may tend to "x sampai hati nak tulis my weakness"...
therefore, the results from this study are not to be generalized as no measures are taken to determine the reliability of the answers...

(1) participants - my good friends
(2) procedures - ask them to answer the question "list 5 things you like and hate about me" through friendster and send it back to my email


part 1

.::fatin says::.
5 bende i suke:
1. can really understand people
2. rajin
3. can be trusted
4. selalu ingat kat kawan
5. know how to take care of others feelings

.::fina says::.
1-disiplin n ready to be linean sometime (so it's good!)
3-not emosional
4-neat n tidy
5-soft spoken (xkasar la maksudnya)

.::riza says::.
5 kebaikan you:
1. organized
2. punctual
3. responsible
4. rational
5. rajin lah ape lagi

.::salina says::.
what i lyk about you:
1. pendirian tetap
2. pandai jaga ati
3. OMG...lupa....RAJIN!!!!!

.::syikin says::.
5 things i like about you:
1. you are a well organized person, manipulative, witty + sarcastic
2. you taught me many things, independent
3. matured and look calm though sometimes you are not
4. smart and hardworking
5. i feel comfortable being with you though sometimes i feel inferior

part 2

.::fatin says::.
benda i x suke:
1. x paham you perli ke wat lawak
2. can know your face kalau you tgh marah atau malas nak layan i

.::fina says::.
1-hard to judge what's inside (=hard to understand n predict u)
2-because u are neat n tidy, it scared me whenever i was at ur place = afraid if i termess ur katil n terkotor kan tempat u
3-kata tak kisah when people kacau ur place....but did not show like u really mean it (so,i selalu sedar diri though i buat lain...he.he)
4-play safe too much
5-.........can't think at the moment, maybe takde kut....

.::riza says::.
your weaknesses:
1. you x suke amik risk
2. just follow with the flow
3. discreet about yourself
4. afraid to be hurt
5. you are very rigid with yourself

.::salina says::.
what i hate (its not hate act..its "i dun reli lyk" about you:
1. sarcastic(ni kalo kenakan jen i lyk tp if kenakan i..i dun lyk!hehe~!)
2. suka sokong jen if i ngan fatin nk kenakan dia(sgt merosakkan our plan!)

.::syikin says::.
things i hate about you:
(1)it's hard to tell what u r thinking sometimes.. aku xto klo kau marah ka x ske ka penat ka..erm??
(2) kta 2 ni asyik d0k kat umah ja, u plak asyik tperuk dlm bilik ja, kiranya kta ni cam katak bwh tempurung, kau plak cam org yg kn kurung...wakaka~tpi bkn nya kn kurung pn, mengurungkan diri gamak nya
(ayat ni buleh diinterpret sebagai : aku suke terperuk dlm bilik n rumah)

discussion and implications:
in order to determine the validity of this study, you have to be my friend...
you will either agree with those results or disagree with them totally...
perhaps, you could help to add more variety to the answers...

diriku sekadar merepek di sini...
tiada niat untuk menjaja diri mahupun mencari publisiti murahan...
ini adalah blogku...
sukati aku la nak buat ape...huhu...(kekasaran bahasa amat dikesali...maaf dari lubuk hati)

note: dikala assignment educ260 ku masih terbengkalai...ku masih sempat membuat entry ini...apekah??


naiffahz said...

haissh,susah btul nk drop komen.tiap x nk drop mesti kene sign up dl.ko x ikhlas eh amrin bg ak bace nihhh???ok2,caye ah ko,buat entry pon ikut format case study,hahah,patut r dr lawrence sayang sgt.tp gempak rr idea ko buat mende cenggini,it's good dude!!

rienmiel said...

abis...dah aku x buat case study educ260...
buat la case study lain...huhu
kdg2 kite tend tu apply ilmu kat bnda yg x sepatutnya...
tu zalim gak ke ek?

Anonymous said...

1st of ol...mak aiiiiiii..mcm buat tesis!!!bgs!4shadow ah 2...dr. amrien......

2nd...i nk nangis.duno y.......reading ur writing = listening 2 ur stupid+sarcastic jokes dat i luv so much.dlm erti kata lain..i mis u..so much..

rienmiel said...

u miss me???
terharu i...
i miss u too...

rajin2 la jgk page i ni...
drop komen skali...
jawapan survey u blom masuk lagi dlm my case study...huhu

Anonymous said...

hmmm.hebat.x sangka.komenku jd researchmu.anyway..a good start.(malulah wei, ko letak komen aku.ish)

rienmiel said...

ala riza...
xpe...not many ppl knows...haha

Anonymous said...

hmmm? seronoknye!!! sumo orang pun mcm ade connection dlm brfikir.. wah2.. hehe..

rienmiel said...

ye ye...
when ppl talk d same thgs most times...maknenye...btol la tu ape yg mrk fikir...
btw, thanks fatin for ur drop here...huhu

Anonymous said...

amrien cam perli i je.. hehe.. i dah lame nak bukak.. tp x sempat.. at last now i dah brjaye.. hehe.. i dun understand ur poen yg cincin emas tuh..

-LyS- said...
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-LyS- said...

..hmm..very interesting and creative survey..bgus r amrin wut cmni..:)

rienmiel said...

thanks lisa...
org saje je buat camne...tensen nak buat eseimen educ260 aritu..huhu