.::conflict of interest::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Life is about making decision. I guess, every moment in our life involves decision making. Yet, it is not always easy to decide on something. There are times when you'll be stressful in deciding even a very simple matter. Maybe this does not apply to all but it always happen to me. Probably because I am not a simple person...I am complicated...heh.

But I guess, as we get older and thus have more experience, we do learn something from the past. Often in my life, before I decide on things, I always look for the pros and cons for the choices that I have. It gets difficult when the things you are comparing with do weigh the same. This is when you start having conflict and dilemma with your ownself. But I think we (or precisely ME) always forget this one particular issue in the compare and contrast stage. It is: "On what basis do you weigh things?" Was it based on your "personal scale" or was it based on "neraca langit"? Hmm...what do you think?

Alhamdulillah...today I managed to make a decision on something that I had iniatially felt reluctant to do. I was having conflict as to do A or B. While at first, I feel doing A is the best (because that's what I want to do for myself), I finally decide to do B. Reasons: Because HE has guide me to reconsider B based on the "neraca langit". Though I may not be able to cater my own need and preference, insyaAllah, by doing B, I'll get more satisfaction. Indeed, HE who knows better knows the best...that's for sure =)


p/s: a simple thing for others may not be simple for me too...because I am just nobody but a complicated girl ;P


Anonymous said...

yes..i'm agree with u..life is about making decision!!..every second in ourlife!!
because we have to fight with our own nafs(desired) and "syaitan"..
entry kali ini mengingatkan fadz ttg firman Allah :
demi jiwa dan penyempurnaan (ciptaan)nya;
maka Dia mengilhamkan kepadanya (jalan) kejahatan dan ketaqwaan;
sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikannya;
sungguh rugi orang yang mengotorinya;
~As-Syams : 7-10~


rienmiel said...

salam fadz~

tengkiu so much sis for d sharing =)