
Assalamualaikum W.B.T

In no more than a month, I'll be back to my home country, Malaysia. This time, it is not for summer break like the year before but I am going back for good this time. I am happy indeed. Happy to see familiar faces and be with the loved ones plus enjoying the yummilicious food that I hardly found here.

On the other hand, I am sad to leave this place. I know it was not a long stay...but I think two years were just enough to make me feel attached to everything in Sydney atmosphere. This is the norm - I knew. Everything that begins should ends aite...

However, the biggest but is, I think I haven't met certain expectations...esp. the expectation to be a fluent English speaker. I am not sure about the level of expectation some people have on me but I myself feel that this is one of the things that I failed to accomplish during my stay at the English speaking country. While I seemed to have no big problem with my academic studies, I think I have failed in this immersion program.

Although I will work harder to be a good English teacher, I just do not want people to have high expectation on me as some people just don't acquire things at the same rate. I knew I can't give excuses but at least I make you guys prepare for the worst ;)


p/s: I won't say my stay here is useless only because my English proficiency has not significantly changed. For real, my stay here has actually changed me in other way...something that I could not think of getting it elsewere...and something that I treasure whole-heartedly...Alhamdulillah :)


snm | snm said...

salam rien :)
insyaAllah rien boleh!
take it as a challenge to yourself..

amnah my. said...

salam amrien
wah.. mesti bes kan perasaan nak balik mesia terus.. pasni terus keje ke? kena panggil teacher amrien la plak pasni ek..

kylex said...


waa,1weeks xtgk blog ni dh byk ye yg berubah,hehe..So dah nak blk msia ye,welcome back fren :)

be a good teacher ye,mengajar mana nnt?

rienmiel said...

to kak falin:

wslm kak~
insyaAllah...i'll try my best :)

to amnah:

wslm am~
hmm....best pun best..sedey pun sedey..
btw, kite ade lagi 2 sem la am...
tahun 2010 br boleh panggil teacher...insyaAllah...hikhik

to kylex:

seminggu tu mcm2 bley jadi...heh
iA, doakan saya jd cikgu yang baik so that awak x menyesal saya ajar anak awak nnti...hikhik
emm..saya ade 2 sem lagi la wak...
2010 br tau posting mane...