.::261 : expressive::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I never thought that I am actually the type of person who is expressive because I think I am not a vocal person. Yet, I soon realized that being expressive and being outspoken are two different things. They are not even in the same continuum...somehow. A person can be verbally expressive when talks about current issues, but not so when it comes to things related to feelings. This is what I defined as being outspoken (read: my own interpretation ^_^). On the other hand, another person can be verbally expressive when talks about feelings, but never in issues related to current or global issue. This one I don't have a name for it...huhu.

However, I forgot that communication or the transfer of messages, information and feelings involves both spoken and written language. Though I may not be verbally expressive, I soon discover I AM actually being expressive through my writings. I admit that I don't like to talk or argue about things related to current or global issues (read: I hate debating...really!!) but I AM very much into this "inner feelings" thing...huhu. Call me jiwang or whatever but that is the type of person that I am. I am just being introvert...hehe. (That's why I blog kot :P)

And before I end this post, I would like to express what I truly feel about these two women in my life that I never think I would ever be able to do it verbally (^_^)

To oka-san and one-san:
The time and distance have proved me that absence really makes heart grow fonder...
We may argue...we may fight...we may hurt each other's feelings...not once but often...
But all those things never cause me to not love you more and more each day...
May our love last forever, always be in the cause of Allah and thus brings us to the Jannah...insyaAllah :)



Anonymous said...

Ni gambar ko ke mak ko? hehe. Sama lah.. rindu eh?? sabar ya. tak lama lagi ko nak balik.

snm | snm said...

salam rien :)

rien..akak dlu pemalu+penyegan..start wt dgree..tpaksa jd outspoken..klu rs x puas ati tu, akak luahkan jek..mls nk crte blkg2..tu sb akak & a few friends salu ckp kasar2..means org tgk cm gaduh tp sbnrnye x..lps dh perang2 ,ulut, ktorg pun pegi mkn sama2 :D happy happy mcm xde wt pape :p

rienmiel said...

to fez:

tu gambar my mom and my sis :)
hehe..ye lg 2 minggu je...huhu

to kak falin:

ntah la kak...saya mmg jenis macam ni kot...
kalau x puas hati..simpan je dalam hati...xpun tulis dlm blog...
ssh betul nak jd outspoken..huhu

Anonymous said...

hehe. semue org ade care meluahkan perasaan masing-masing. through bercakap, through music and in your case through writing.

keep on writing amrien. insyaAllah ade manfaatnye untuk org lain.

Anonymous said...

hai rien. tak reti le nk komen. keke. sehat2 aje ye. dh balik ke ni? :)