.::402 : emosi::.

saya sedih hari ini...
mungkin kesedihan terpendam...
oh Tuhan, kurniakanlah sesuatu untuk menyisih segala kesedihan
yang masih tersimpan di lubuk hati paling dalam...

*oh, tahap emosi yang rendah harus diperangi!!
sejak bila saya membenarkan virus2 jahat menguasai diri...

oh diri, belajarlah mensyukuri nikmat tuhan, menikmati sisi bahagia anugerah tuhan...
dan berhentilah mengira-ngira sisi kekurangan...

*semoga esok akan lebih baik dari semalam*

.::401 : pilihan datang pilihan pergi::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Siapa tak mahu pulang berkhidmat di tempat sendiri...
Siapa tak mahu dekat dengan chenta hati...
Siapa tak mahu terima tawaran insan yang pernah dan masih dikagumi...
Siapa tak mahu??...siapa tak mahu??...sudah tentu aku mahu jauh di sudut hati..
Tapi, entah kenapa masih berat hati...
tidak tahu apa yang aku cari...
tidak tahu apa yang aku nanti...
tidak tahu apa nasib yang bakal di jalani...
yang buat aku senang untuk terus diami bumi yang dulu-asing-tapi-kini-tak-lagi...

oh, adakah keputusan ini pasti??
Tuhan tunjukkan aku, bimbing hati temui jawapan pasti....
yang terbaik untuk semua yang aku sayangi...

.::400 : of books and reading::.

 Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I have so many books in my reading list.
Some have been partially explored...
The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
Penyucian Hati by Amru Khalid
Kisah Cinta Sejati Khadijah by Abdul Mun’im Muhammad Umar
Murabbi Cinta by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Janganlah Bersedih: Jadilah Wanita yang Paling Bahagia by ‘Aidh Bin ‘Abdullah Al-Qarni
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray

and some are purely ‘untouched’...
Pesan Maha Kasih dalam Kisah by H Zainal Arifin & H Abu Ezzat Al-Mubarak
Menjadi Wanita Super dengan Asmaul Husna by Sulaiman Al-Kumayi
Why Mars & Venus Collide by John Gray

Hope, I’ll manage to finish reading one or two before the year ends...
and I promise myself not to stop buying such books for it’s a long-term investment...
and most importantly, not to stop reading ;))
*and books have been my newly-fancied items as gifts these days...thanks to Mom’s influence :))


.::399 : random updates::.

 Assalamualaikum W.B.T

omo..omo..I just noticed I need another few entries before it counts as 400.
what an achievement for me!! haha

believe it or not, this is my 5th year of blogging....and turning into 6, next year.
I don't expect I could stay this long...because in the course of 5 years, due to many reasons, I don't know for how many times I thought of deleting this blog....and luckily I didn't!! (but, I did change d url..heh)
(actually, I have started writing before 2007....but few blogs had been deleted due to inconsistency in writing and updating...haha)

I have few reasons why I treasure this blog so much.
and one reason being, it stores a collection of MY stories.
I am not an important person so I bet no one would write about me when I die.
But, because my life worth so much to me, I think I should do it a justice by writing about it myself.
After some years, I could see how I have developed physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually by the way I write and express my feelings, thoughts etc.
And I am happy to see the progress :))))

Because I don't write for specific audiences like I did years ago, I feel no pressure at all writing now.
I could log on whenever I feel like pouring things out and I could stay idle when I don't feel like doing it.
But, most of the time, it's because of the TIME.

Based on my analysis:

I am most active in 2008. I have written 205 entries. That was during my second year in Australia and it was the time I consider myself BLOGGER TEGAR (skrg, tegarla sangat kan...haha). Many stories to be shared, learned many important lessons in life, tried many recipes and it's when I got to know few blogger friends...and that was the time when blogging was so addictive to me...WAS and WAS. Basically, it IS one the most wonderful years in my life :)))

Coming back to Malaysia, completing my final year of study, practicum, first posting...life was so hectic (kononnya), and I didn't write much...only once in a while. Apart from the commitments (konon), I think internet connection is a factor too. Graf jatuh mendadak, x sampai 40% for the 1st year. Zaman bekerja lagilah....hampeh... x smpai 3 entry per month on the 1st year of working, and even lesser the 2nd year. But, what makes me feel better is, AT LEAST I WRITE....haha..

Oh yeah, now I am currently working on my weebly!!
being a professional-so-to-say....(HAHA), it's been a dream to have my own educational website.
insyaAllah, it'll be my end-of-year project!! HOHO...

And I promise myself to keep writing...not for anyone but for ME, MYSELF :))

adios, amigos!!

.::398 : another milestone::.

Yang ditunggu2 akhirnya hadir jua :))
And this official letter is not just "a thing" coz it brings so many meanings especially to a journey that I would embark on in the future...insyaAllah...

And yes I am dreamING now....and I hope Allah will show me the best way and lead me to best path for the benefit of me, the religion and the ummah...insyaAllah

.::397 : confession::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

“Teaching” is not the first thing in my mind when I first learned the word “ambition”.
Seriously, I never expect ended up being a teacher...at least as a profession to begin with.

But I BELIEVE this is what we call FATE.
Not even a moment in my life, I regret being a teacher. at least up till this point.
Because this profession opens doors for me to know and understand human beings; the interesting but complicated creatures on Earth.

When I say I don’t regret a thing, that does not mean that it’s a bed of roses.
Life as a teacher is not as simple as how people might perceive it to be.
To tell the truth, it’s NEVER EASY and could DRIVE you CRAZY, yet it can make you HAPPY!!
that’s the indescribable part of everything (^_^)

A student is not merely a client/customer/patient to me.
When I regard someone as students, I can’t help myself but feel emotionally connected to them.
Not only I want them to be successful in learning/study, I want to know about their family background, what do they like to do, what are the things that make them happy/sad/moody/sick etc.
Basically, I want to know everything about them.
Yeah, sounds so busybody and stalker-like, but that’s basically how I feel towards them.
I want to love them so they would secure a place in my heart.
All of them. Each and everyone of them.
That’s why I am actually making effortS (note the “s”) to make them know how PRECIOUS they actually are to me.
I want to spread the LOVE to them.
And LOVING means giving COMMITMENT, TIME and also MONEY... (urggh...I wish I have more time)
But sadly saying, SOME of them didn’t see/feel that.
Either it’s PENDING / I turned on the INCORRECT buttons / they don’t know how to respond / they just don’t like me (oh my, I am rejected!!!)
But that’s okay, for me, the outcome is not important because I know I’ve tried.
We can’t force people when we deal with feelings/emotions....noted that...

As teachers, FAVOURITISM is a BIG NO NO!! I know that. It’s well understood.
But, as normal human beings, we can’t afford to refrain ourselves from liking/prefer/favor some people that the others.
Come on, I’m being REALISTIC!! I’m NOT an idealist anyway.
Teachers got feelings too!!

And as students, the moment we feel our teacher favour some other people rather than us;

1st: maybe it’s just our feelings
2nd: the way people show love is different. come on, look at ourselves! how could we be treated similarly as others if we ourselves are different from them. so, don’t simply jump into conclusion ya..

And if I am the teacher concerned, I tell you, I am not being double standard, it’s just that due to some reasons, I have yet to find ways to reach you...(did you find ways to reach me anyways??)...
and not because I simply choose to ignore. So, please don't get the wrong idea :)

Am I not sure what kind of teacher I am/was/will be...
What I knew is I lack/lacked this one quality: “being assertive”...
I have been trying to develop this quality since I was overseas and it’s still going nowhere...
Maybe it’s because I am not that type of person who can express what I REALLY want in a strong way so that people would notice.
I never like that idea because I don’t like being told of what to do (except for work related things or else I don’t know what to should be done).
I always thought that people are sensitive enough to “sense” things so why should others be telling them this and that.
So, I didn’t scold them if they didn’t do what they are supposed to.
I adopt these policies: “be patient”, “be calm” and “hold your anger”.

Most of the time, I do that because I want to “jaga hati” and don’t want to hurt others by the words that might hurt them emotionally and mentally when I burst. (but still some bullets are unavoidable!!)

However, everything doesn’t come for free.
There’s an expensive price that I have to pay for not hurting others...I ended up being hurt...
And that’s the “worldly definition” of FAIRNESS if you want to know.
So, take it or leave it!!

True Colours
When asked what type of person I am, my close friend once replied:
“what people see might not be the same as when they would get later”
The way I appear to people might be different with my true self.

For people that I meet once or twice, I am a different type of person...
For people who are dear to me;
I am not a soft-spoken person...(it’s just not my way..urghh)
I say harsh words when it’s not what I really intend to say...(sorry, I’ll be more careful next time so it won’t be a bad prayer to others...nauzubillah)
I say I don’t care, when I actually do...
I say go when I want people to stay...
I tease people and “cari gaduh” with them when I actually want to be close to them...(some people think I hate them..nope!!)

but in fact, I am VERY sensitive...
I say it’s OK when I am NOT OK...
I say it’s all right when it’s NOT right at all...

And for some unknown reasons, that’s how I react...
and I know that’s very complicated to understand...
but that’s ME, the real ME~


.::396 : hapuskan zarah2 kebinasaan::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Kadang2 bila manusia menyakiti dan melukai hati kita, kita terlalu cepat melatah...
rasa marah, rasa tak dihargai, rasa dilayan seperti sampah dan sebagainya...
kita menganggap manusia tersebut amat jahat hatta sanggup menganiayai manusia lain...


kesakitan itu jugalah yang buat kita kembali menilai...
sejauh mana kita menghargai Si Pencipta...
sejauh mana kita menunaikan hak yang selayaknya untuk Dia...
sejauh mana nilai dan darjat kita di sisi-Nya...

maka, persetankanlah rasa marah....yang tunasnya berputik dari bisikan iblis...
tapi tukarkanlah dengan rasa keinsafan...yang hadirnya atas dasar kesedaran,
bahawa kita hanya hamba Tuhan...
yang nilainya bukan pada pandangan manusia tapi Dia yang Maha Mencipta...


.::395 : a week off::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

This year's Eidul Fitr celebration might NOT be the BEST that I had so far but at least, it's NOT the WORST.

  • got a new stand mixer thus so excitedly made chocolate chips cookies that I used to make back then in Sydney...but it turned to be chocolate DE BATU BATA cookies...duhh...but, what I like about it is the fact that my nephews being so supportive by eating half the jar of the cookies...so I guess, OK la kot kan..heh ;)

  • baked a chocolate cake that I used to...but it turned out to be the most DISASTROUS cake I've ever bake. lesson learned: please don't be greedy but patient!!

  • raya for me this year was only on the 1st Syawal...was in no mood of celebrating it...down with slight fever the first night itself...is suffering from sore throat till today....arrghhh...camne  nak keje nih!!

However, there's few other good points regardless of everything:

  • I managed to join tadarus and conduct khatam quran session with my tutees ;) yeah, sounds like a small, simple things but for me, it's really SOMETHING...

  • after 25 years, I managed to weave ketupat on my own....what an achievement!! haha... I've tried once last 2 years, I succeeded...but I wonder to what extent the performance could be measured... But this time around, I managed to weave at least 5/6 ketupat... OK la tu...rather than nothing aite...


  • for the first time, I gave duet raya to my siblings...not much anyway but I feel happy to give them something...alhamdulillah de rezeki lebih kan :) but somehow, the allocation for the niece and nephews decreased a bit..ye la, need to spread the budget kan...haha :P
    last year's...this year...tarak..

    All in all, I think or I could feel that I've aged...or am aging...gradually...
    The feelings towards certain things are no longer the same as before...
    And so as the view or perception and also the way I act towards situations...
    So, let's just consider this a journey of maturity...haha~


    .::394 : oz i miss::.

    never miss a place like how I feel towards OZ...
    it hurts every time I think about the place, the people and the things I did there...

    getting another chance to be there is one thing...
    experience the same feeling like I did three/four years ago is another thing...
    and that is THE thing that I look forward....very much...

    but, whatever it is...
    thank you Allah for THE opportunities given to me during the period of time...
    for me, that wasn't just an experience but it's the turning point for many things in my life...
    Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal~

    .::393 : when a science stream student become a language teacher::.

    was bloghopping when I read an entry about science stream students vs art stream students...
    and I wonder which category should I group myself in (o_0)
    can I consider myself a bi- then...(erkkk)

    moral of the story:
    rasa kesian kat anak murid bila ajar grammar ala2 ajar maths...
    paling kesian bila approach ni dapat plak kat budak2 yang takbleyblah in maths (oh, saya faham keadaan ini...)
    tapi nak buat camne, I am a bi-....so, aku guna approach ikut suka la...
    segala kesulitan amat dikesali~

    erk, dulu kalau pandai lebih sikit, maybe dah jadi chekgu maths...maybe la kot...haha~

    .::392 : company::.

     Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    "No man is an Island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main."

    @ work time
    @ holiday_ jimba jimbi time

    @ crazy time
    @ all other times

    a great company would be with us through thick and thin...
    but humans ain't perfect that sometimes they tend to forget things...they can't commit all the time...

    so, as long as God sent someone to us...
    to be with us...
    when we are happy, 
    when we are sad,
    when we are excited,
    when we are worried,

    be it the same person or different...
    that's great enough...

    thanks to Allah for that :)))

    .::391: stress!!::.

    Assalamualaikum w.b.t

    Lepas 3 minggu lepak kat rumah because of medical leave, tak tertanggung rasanya tekanan kat tempat kerja on the first day masuk kerja.
    OMG, nak absorb sume benda dalam 1 hari...mau naik gile rasanya....*exaggerate*

    Sometimes, rasa cam dah tahan dah nak stay...
    tapi bila2 fikir2 balik, takkan la baru dapat challenges camni dah nak surrender...
    rasa cam loser giler...

    so, to be on positive side, I always believe that this is the phase where Allah 'teaches' me about life...
    so, memang la kena sangat2 bersabar...dan kuatkan semangat...
    kalau nak ikut, ni baru sket kot...

    masalah dengan sistem....
    masalah dengan students...
    masalah deagan colleagues...

    aish...memang typical kot benda2 camtu kat mana2 pun...
    so, there's no point nak lari...

    yang penting diri sendiri....

    so, to me: chaiyo' chaiyo'


    p/s: kadang2, bile orang care sangat pun, rasa cam annoying gak...aish...

    .::390 : colourS::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    So, it has been decided. This year, we'd go for purple. 
    And I choose this shade of purple (not the blouse =P)

     Next year...I'll fight for this...iAllah =P
    (erk, the colour i mean..heh~)


    .::389 : istinbat hukum::.

     Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Apa hukumnya malas nak makan ubat sebab malas nak kena makan lepas tu??

    Huwaa....saya tau mak dan abah memang emo dengan alasan yang saya bagi...
    But seriously...saya bukan jenis orang yang susah makan ubat...
    ubat itu sangat2 melaparkan...
    and imagine...saya kene makan 4 kali sehari...which also implies i have to take heavy meals 4 times a day!!!

    forget about being fat or whatsoever...
    tapi perut saya sangat cekang...tolong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    n kesimpulannya...ubat saya memang tak habis on time...
    serve me right!!


    .::388 : the kind of person I am::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    These days I cried a lot...
    Omo omo...hv I turned into a crybaby now...

    I cry when I am so sad...
    I cry when I am so happy/excited...
    I cry when I feel grateful...
    I cry when I feel touched...
    I cry when I am too angry...
    I cry when I feel so hurt...
    I cry when I feel too disappointed...
    I cry when I am in a great pain...
    and I just cry when I feel like crying...

    Yeah..it seems like my tears are so cheap that it drops whenever my feelings are triggered...
    But whatever it is, I would always consider that as the sincerest expressions of feelings from me... 

    So, for some people..."kumawo" (thanks) for making me cry...
    and for some others...I hv no right to say anything...but I guess...thank you still for everything...


    .::387 : my dad is pissed off!!::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Tahun ini adalah tahun yang paling kasihan untuk abah. The reason being, dia sudah kehilangan peluang menonton saluran2 TV kegemaran seperti Astro Supersports dan Arena setiapkali anak perempuan bongsunya pulang ke kampung. Abah terpaksa mengalah dengan virus2 korea yang dibawa anaknya itu. The best part is, mak dan kakak termasuk kakak ipar juga memberi sokongan yang padu juga...ahahaha.. (yeah...ada unsur2 *evil* di situ)

    Culture di rumah juga sudah berubah. Kalau dulu mak dan kakak hanya pandai tekan Channel 101, 102, 103, 104 dan 105 je....tapi sekarang...kalau semua saluran berbahasa Melayu menayangkan program2 yang membosankan, saya lihat mereka juga telah menyenaraikan Channel 391 dan 393 sebagai option. Rasa kelakar la jugak. Tak pasal2 kan the whole household stucked for korean drama. hihi.

    Dialog abah yang paling best: Rumah ni dah macam rumah korea rasanye!!

    Tapi sekarang baru la dorg sedar bahawa korean drama lagi baik daripada sinetron indonesia yang mak suka tu. Logik sket la if nak banding. At lease I have brought a new perspective towards drama ni. Well, I would consider myself a drama lover so to say...habis sume drama kte layan...baik Melayu, Indonesia , Jepun, Korea, Spanish, Filipino dsb... Tapi yang paling tak bley pegi citer Cina..from back then~

    Memandangkan saya 'bercuti semester' lebih awal dari yang sepatutnya...maka rutin harian/mingguan untuk si temporary OKU ni adalah menonton program2 seperti:

    Channel 391: The Thorn Birds
    Channel 393: Loving You Thousand Times, Three Sisters, 49 Days, Family Comes  Here, Strong Heart, O, My School, Dream Team
    Channel 701: CSI, House
    Channel 132: Maharaja Lawak (haha :P)

    Ha..tu la aktiviti berpoya2 di rumah. Ya, memang sungguh membosankan tapi apakan daya...saya dicutikan.. Maka, bercutilah juga otak saya dari memikirkan hal2 stress berkaitan kerja.

    Tapi rasanya, rutin akan berubah minggu hadapan. Harapnya, rutin kehidupan bertambah baik...insyaAllah


    .::386 : history repeats itself::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    If I could remember clearly, the very first time I went through a surgery and thus being  hospitalized was 10 years ago. 26 October 2001 to be exact (if I remember it right) and that was a few days after I sat for my PMR examination. It was unplanned. Everything seemed to happen so sudden that I can't really recall every single detail about it. To tell the truth,  despite the fact that my mother was a nurse, I never like hospitals or clinics...what more the idea of being hospitalized. But...who says we will only get/face things that we like. At that point of time, I thought I have become a strong, brave girl. I thought...and I continue to have that thought until then...

    And that was the story 10 years ago.

    And it was so true that history repeats itself. But, I would never expect that I would go through the same experience again. 19 April 2011 marked another history in my life. Though the experience was slightly different, but it share similarities that I don't wish to share here. Now, I am not sure if the thought or the belief that I have about myself is true or not. I am not sure if I  have grown stronger and tougher as I should or not. What I do now is just to go on with life and face whatever I have to face...with the thought that "hey, you are becoming stronger and tougher each day".

    I don't know what to do and how should I live my life without HIM...
    HE is my only strength and to HIM I put my trust...


    .::385 : m.o.v.e::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    I've been thinking about so many things these days...and that's when I decided to prioritize my priority...
    I can't afford to make so many steps at once but I could definitely take one at least...yeah...one at a time...that's my plan...insyaAllah...

    At times, I didn't realize that I've already grown up...
    this is to say that I am no longer the same like before...
    Time has passed and what lies in front of me is different now...and will continuously be different...
    So, I have to be different too...my attitude, my way of thinking, my actions, my priority....everything... basically everything...
    ...or else I'll be stucked...

    Hopefully, I'm making the right move...insyaAllah...
    May Allah bless the path that I've chosen...or should I say, may the path that I've chosen is the result of the intuition sent by Allah~


    .::384 : berlatih untuk senyum::.


    Isu senyum ni memang nampak mudah. Tapi hakikatnya tak ramai orang mampu melakukannya. Even saya sendiri ;P

    Sebenarnya, saya terdetik untuk membangkitkan isu ini setelah beberapa kali ditegur oleh pelajar kerana kurang senyum =/ kebelakangan ini. Ada yang menyatakan teguran secara berdepan, ada yang secara bersms. Ada yang tegur secara direct, ada yang tegur secara berlapik.

    Dan saya membuat kesimpulan, isu senyum ini memang sangat SIGNIFICANT!!!

    Maka, mulai saat ini, saya akan berusaha untuk SENYUM =))))
    Memang saya tahu ia tidak mudah...tapi saya percaya, semuanya bermula dengan langkah pertama.

    saya tak punya banyak harta yang boleh diberi untuk buat orang gembira...
    tapi bolehkan jika saya ganti dengan senyuman...yang mungkin tak semanis mana...tapi cukup untuk menjadi penghilang duka walau hanya sedetik cuma ;P
    Satu perkara kebaikan yang mudah tapi tak mampu dilakukan oleh semua orang pada setiap masa ialah SENYUM...
    kerana ia hanya akan menjadi mudah apabila ia lahir dari JIWA yang TENANG dan HATI yang IKHLAS...

    .::383 : berkira dengan Tuhan::.


    Kita selalu tak suka bila orang 'berkira' dengan kita...
    Tapi sedarkah kita bila kita 'berkira' dengan Allah...

    fikir2kan...renung2kan...ambil tindakan ;)

    Jangan terlalu berkira-kira nikmat apa yang Allah 'ambil' dari kita...kelak hanya menjadi 'hamba yang tamak dan tidak pernah berasa kecukupan'...
    tapi hitunglah nikmat apa yang Allah 'beri' kepada kita...nescaya yang wujud hanyalah 'jiwa yang bersyukur dan berasa cukup apa adanya'...

    .::382 : wedding bells::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Alhamdulillah...for the first time this year, I managed to attend a friend's wedding. All this while, all I could do  was to "stare" at the invitation...be it the "real" or the "virtual" ones. And I feel really bad about it especially when I missed my besties' wedding...not once but three times already =( 

    I'm not saying about regret here...but somehow I feel so "ralat". During our school days, we kept on "chanting" these cliche line "kahwin nanti jemput eh". And when the real time comes, "I can't make it anyway!!". Isn't it disappointing??

    Anyways, congratulations to all my friends who had tied the knot...
    I hope it's not too late to wish you:

    “Barakallahulakuma wa baraka alaikuma 
    wa jama’a bainakuma fikhair" 
    especially to:
    Nor Hanita Paiman & pasangan
    Noor Faiz Izzat & pasangan
    Nor Faezza & pasangan 
    and those who had it today 
    especially...emy, fatt, tiha, wan, sri, shu, n kak sarah =)
    p/s: going to campus everyday makes me feel young...going to wedding once in a while makes me feel the other way round..omg..omg...haha~

    .::381 : neverending blessing::.

    At times...
    I wonder "why things happen"
    I wonder "why things happen to me" 
    I wonder "why things happen not according to plan"

    But the more I wonder...
    the more I realize that "I have no rights to question things"
    the more I realize that "things happen because God loves me"
    the more I realize that "my plan is nothing if compared to HIS"

    And it's when things happened...
    that I learnt "how lucky I am to be chosen"
    that I learnt "how great God's love is to me"
    that I learnt "the real meaning of devotion to the Lord"

    And I only have 1 main wish...
    that I will be granted with whatever it takes to face things...

    ~Because He knows BEST that I hope I'll have a blessed journey throughout...amen~

    .::2011 love boat : episode airport::.

    Tidak pernah dalam hidup saya, ada orang selain keluarga terdekat dan sahabat yang rapat menghantar saya ke lapangan terbang.
     Dan perkara ini berlaku setelah saya bergelar seorang PENDIDIK.

    Alkisahnya, gara-gara 'ditinggalkan' sendirian oleh dua orang sahabat baik yang ke Kuantan atas urusan kerja, saya dengan rendah hatinya telah meminta jasa baik anak murid saya untuk menghantar saya ke lapangan terbang. (Oh, inilah untungnya mengajar pelajar-pelajar dewasa kerana mereka sudah punya lesen kereta malah sudah membawa kereta ke kolej...*heaven gitu*). Memandangkan pelajar-pelajar saya sedang menduduki peperiksaan pada minggu tersebut,saya telah mengajukan permintaan secara umum atau terbuka kerana tidak pasti siapakah yang betul-betul sanggup menunaikan permintaan saya itu. Dan pada hari saya mengajukan permintaan tersebut, kesemua mereka nampaknya menyatakan kesanggupan mereka dan saya pun beredar dengan perasaan yang lega (Ok, satu masalah sudah selesai *grin*)

    Sehari sebelum hari penerbangan, saya sekali lagi menghantar sms, ingin meminta kepastian akan siapakah sebenarnya yang akan menghantar saya ke lapangan terbang. Watak  X merupakan orang pertama yang membalas, menyatakan kesudiaanya itu. Dan saya pun rasa "OK". Beberapa jam selepas itu, watak Y pula membalas sms dimana dia turut menyatakan jawapan yang sama.

    Dan inilah antara respond saya terhadap sms-es itu:

    Miss A: O..ok. Now, I wonder who exactly will send me to the airport. Is it you, him or both?
    Y : Bukan 2 miss tapi 3.
    Miss A: OMG...like seriously??

    *Dang* Sekarang ini ada 3 kereta nak hantar saya ke airport. Dan saya memang *speechless*. Tak tahu nak cakap apa. Sebenarnya, saya risau. Mereka sepatutnya ulangkaji untuk exam. Tapi sekarang, terasa seperti menyusahkan pula. Nak menolak, takut ada yang berkecil hati. Maka, saya biar sahaja mereka dengan plan mereka. Mereka kan anak2 saya...hak3..

    Maka, kami 3 kereta pun bertolak ke airport. Tanpa saya sangka, ada sekumpulan pelajar perempuan telah menanti di sana. "And now, it makes 4 cars!!!"  And the best part was, my 2 darlings pun datang juga ke airport walaupun baru saja sampai dari Kuantan "OMG...OMG...serious I feel like Makcik Kiah nak pergi haji". Terharu nih ='))

    Jujur saya katakan, perasaan pada waktu itu sangat priceless. Saya tak tahu apa niat sebenar mereka beriya2 menghantar saya ke airport...tapi apapun alasan mereka, saya dapat merasakan ia suatu bentuk penghormatan yang tak pernah saya bayangkan selama ini. 

    Hatta pegawai lapangan terbang pun tertanya2 adakah saya ini seorang guru yang akan bertukar memandangkan begitu ramai yang menghantar di pintu balai berlepas. Hakikatnya, saya hanya pulang bercuti seminggu....adoii...
    Apa2pun tarikh 9 March 2011 memang suatu kenangan yang tak dapat saya lupakan. Terima kasih kepada watak2 yang terlibat di lapangan terbang. Kepada yang tiada di tempat kejadian, saya tahu hati kalian juga turut mendoakan berdasarkan sms yang saya terima.

    Saya tak pasti apakah keadaan seperti ini akan berlaku lagi...
    Tapi apa yang pasti ia PERNAH berlaku dalam hidup saya...
    Maka, saya ucapkan TERIMA KASIH kerana mencipta memori itu untuk saya =))

    .::2011 love boat::.

    Assalamualaikum W.B.T

    Alhamdulillah...praise be to Allah. Finally, I managed to write my first entry this year. If only I could descibe my feelings of being able to write again...Oh, what a relief!!!

    Okay, my life now basically revolves around me and my teaching career. Being posted in a state far from my hometown, somehow I feel that I have spent lesser time with my beloved family. The only time I have with them is during school holidays. The rest of time is spent at Batu Rakit, with my two other angels and beloved "kids".

    What I could say now is that I am so grateful for what I have now.
    Thanks to Allah...and mom for showing me 'the way'.
    So far I'm contented =)))

    Oh yeah. This year I have this kind of resolution to actually jot down whatever sweet memories I had with the people around me. I hope that someday, when I read back all those stories, I could just smile and feel happy inside...insyaAllah.

    So, in the next posts...we shall expect for the stories =)))
