.::393 : when a science stream student become a language teacher::.

was bloghopping when I read an entry about science stream students vs art stream students...
and I wonder which category should I group myself in (o_0)
can I consider myself a bi- then...(erkkk)

moral of the story:
rasa kesian kat anak murid bila ajar grammar ala2 ajar maths...
paling kesian bila approach ni dapat plak kat budak2 yang takbleyblah in maths (oh, saya faham keadaan ini...)
tapi nak buat camne, I am a bi-....so, aku guna approach ikut suka la...
segala kesulitan amat dikesali~

erk, dulu kalau pandai lebih sikit, maybe dah jadi chekgu maths...maybe la kot...haha~


Aizuddin Rojalai said...

Miss, saya mmg anti-math..maybe sbb tu lah grammar susah nak masuk dlm kepala saya :(

rienmiel said...

la..ye ke...
kesian din...
will try 2 figure out another method ya..hehe

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

KALAU PANDAI LEBIH SIKIT?????? u dah SO pandai amrienna !!!!!!

rienmiel said...

uish cik salmonella yg kiut miut, though d word 'so' indicates some level of degree...but i believe d level is subject to ppl's perception only...hehe