.::random ramblings of mine::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T


I'm done with my seminar presentation. My feeling? Of course I am relieved. The best part was, I speak Malay in my presentation. Not that I unconciously done that...not that I code-switch...but we planned it. My groupmate suggested me to do that. And when I was trying to construct sentences in Malay...as in proper sentences...I am stucked. Omg, my BM stucked, my English stucked. Ape nak jadi nih. I guess it is probably because I tend to code-switch a lot. Maybe it'll get better soon =)


I do not want to be a new person. I just want to get my 'old me' back. And it seems not easy. I have been trying for like 10 weeks I guess...and the result is still the same. Today, I try again and I hope I didn't over do it. It seems so stressful but I take it as a challenge...as a tarbiyah from Allah. Not that I don't want to improve...but I guess it is much easier if I start from where I stop rather that do it all over again. That's what I thought...at least for now. Pray for me dear friends =)


I suddenly remember this one issue.

Why when we invited some people to some occasions, they did not come?
Not once but many times...
Perhaps, it is because something suddenly came up...and perhaps they have their own reason for that...
But we never ask them why.

However, why when we didn't invited them to some other occasion (read: just once), they did ask us why?
As if we neglect them...

Hmm...life is weird...or...is it the people? Think about it ;)



kylex said...

salam rien :)

Bgs2,present dlm BM :) Mst dah lame xckp Melayu ni,tu yg kdg2 stucked sket,huhu..

Semoga u get ur 'old me' tu blk,AMINN :)
People is weird not the life la,heheh :)

p/s: 1st time i kne tagged ni..Dari kamu lak tu,huhuh..Cmne la nak jwb :p..akan sy wat a.s.a.p yaa,tq2..

rienmiel said...

to kylex:

xde mknenya lama x cakap melayu..
kt sini, ckp melayu lbh kerap dr cakap bi..tp bhs pasar la..bkn formal..huhu

iA..sy akan cube :)

owh..bagus la camtu...
cpt2 la buat tag tu eh...hehe