.::339 : si bacul yang menjengkelkan::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Sometimes, I just feel that they are afraid of their own shadow. They did things that I could not see its rationality. I've been there and I've done that. I am not being biased or what but I just don't think they have influenced my view and perception towards anything. So, why make that as an issue to counter your opponent.

Hey, come on! Intelligent people would not be easily influenced by stupid ideology (if there's any) because they could think for themselves. Even if they are being persuaded to do something, the choice is still theirs. So, why bother if they are making it for better. Hey boy, go and get a real issue so that your are not making yourself a real dumb.heh



Fina said...

sesungguhnya aku x phm...hehe

anyway, aku sk blog hilalterletak bwh nama aku..haha..

n how's ur dad?

rienmiel said...

sesungguhnya aku sengaja tulis spy org x berapa nak faham...aku tgh emo..haha

sometimes, aku pelik gak camne org bley ske kt bnda2 insignificant...
though aku pun kdg2 camtu gak...haha

dad's is getting better :)