.::341 : pliss pliss pliss::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I just feel like orang gila. Browsing facebook like there's no tomorrow. Then, cam biase r, after browsing one person's profile after another, mula la nak feeling2. Malas betul part ni. Ah, persetankan. Time ni r teringat someone wrote about the real definition of personal happiness and contentment in life.

That the more we compare our life with others, the more we'll be unhappy...
That happiness and contentment would be achieved by having a strong believe in our God, our deen...

Okay, okay I surrender. Sometimes, it's not easy to fight the nafsu especially when the inside is not that strong. So, let's strengthen it..lalala~

“Berikan ilmu kepada akal supaya tahu. Suntikkan iman ke hati supaya mahu. Berjihadlah menundukkan nafsu supaya mampu."

Ayuh, fightooooooo oh!



waz said...

hye Amrien. ak sgt slalu buat mende yg sm: compare my life wif others. sgt la tak best feeling tuh. abg yg slalu tegor.."knp la nak buat comparison macam tu, dah la based on material n hal duniawi sj" cm tu la dia kata..
but ak sgt lemah..;(

rienmiel said...

hye waznah...

ssh la nak elak hal2 compare2 nih sbb dah terbiase kot kan...
but ur bro bagus la sbb tegur..meaning die bkn typical...huhu