.::008 : things to do when u r not in a good mood::.

hmm...got this topic from fatin's blog...
seems interesting...
so, just wanna check what i usually do in such situation...

(1)stay quiet...i just have to give myself some time to cool down n regain the mood...huhu...please note that the definition of "some time" may differ according to situation...hihi

(2)listen to sentimental song n sometimes catchy song...nasyid pun best gak utk dilayan...depends la...songs can remotivate me...

(3)mengemas...be it kemas buku, kemas rumah, cuci tiolet, etc...
i'm fond of doing such things...no matter the place is dirty/messy or even clean...i just do it...just for my pleasure...

(4)sleep...sometimes, sleep can be the fastest way of forgetting your bad mood...fastest here depends on how long you sleep...if you sleep for one whole day...bknla fastest namenye...huhu

(5)blogging...but this is my new-developed-habit...so, don't really know the effectiveness of this activity to overcome such situation...blom try...

(6)crying...huhu...i do like crying but not all situations require you to cry...so, don't be stupid to cry all the time...but sometimes, crying can makes you feel better...(i don't like to cry in front of others...for how many times you ever see me crying in front of you...you surely don't know how many times i cry inside...huhu...poyoness again)

(7)membebel...hmm, this is the habit that i now learn to slowly throw it out from my dictionary of life...buat penat je...bersabar lagi berfaedah...

(8)ishtighfar...i bet you, this is the best way...the simplest n the coolest way of doing it...just try...if you find it didn't work for you, then ambil wuduk...insyaAllah...

(9)kembali kepada Tuhan...remember, in anything you do, it's God who holds your heart...so, don't panic...just sit and recite a prayer...hoping for His guidance..."ala bizikrillahi tatma'innal qulub"..."dan hanya dengan mengingati Allah akan tenang hatimu"...recite al-quran...solat sunat...Islam is beautiful...it's the way of life...

(10)think positive...if some ppl hurt your feelings...just reflect if you ever done the same thing to someone else...then only you can try to forgive n forget...(though i can't really practise it everytime...after all...i'm not that good...like an angle...perfect is not me)...