.::013 : love shouldn't necessarily be expressed with words::.

last saturday, i called my mom...
this is not something special for me because i do call my mom every two or three days...just reporting what's happening here...
after all, i am a volunteered reporter for my mom...huhu...
actually, it is not so much of reporting what's happening here, enquiring what's happening there...it is more of listening her voice...the babies voice...whom i missed so much...

because i call my mom so frequently...it turn out that we always talk about the same things or issues everytime...
these are the common questions / sentences during the phone conversation:

my dialogue: "assalamualaikum. mak sihat? mak tgh buat ape tu? mak dah makan ke? masak ape ari ni?(note: slalu mak yg tanya anak soalan2 camni...ni, aku yg tanya mak aku...sape mak sape anak ni?...huhu) mak x pegi kebun ke?. ari ni ina masak bla...bla...bla... td ina pegi bla...bla...bla... mak tau x, td ina buat bla...bla...bla... ina dah pandai buat karipap...ina dah pandai buat donut...ina dah pandai buat keria... bla...bla...bla... mak, camne nak buat bla...bla...bla...ek? kne letak ape ek? mak, ina nak balik tau hujung taun ni. mak x yah dtg sini tau. sini bkn ade pape pun. mak, afiq mane? dah balik sekolah ke? die blaja camne? die malas x? mak, iman mane? nafis mane? naqib mane? panggil dorg. ina nak cakap. mak, abah mane? g medang ek (note: medang = minum2 di warung kopi). lama x cakap ngan abah. mak, ape cerita terbaru? iboy dah nak kawin ek mak? suruh die tunggu ina balik tau. mak itu...mak ini..." (penatnye...byk cakap rupenye aku ni...huhu)

mom's response: "waalaikumsalam. mak sihat. ina sihat? mak tgh bace paper/kemas rumah/tgk tv. malam x masak. slalu mmg x masak mlm2. ikut la. nanti dorg pegi pasar ke, afiq bli makanan pape ke. mak slalu makan biskut je. (note: mak aku diet ke?) owh, buat kuih bla...bla...bla... bagus la. ajar la mak. bagi la resepi. (note: mak buat gaya fake sbb mak tau je nak buat camne...konon2 nak buat aku bangga ajar die buat itu buat ini). (...mak pun melayan aku bercerita...)(...tetiba mak cam x bermaya memberi response...)

my dialogue: "mak ni, x excited pun ina telefon... mesti mak busan ina call hari2...
okla...kirim salam kat sume ek...assalamualaikum"

mom's response: "waalaikumsalam"

after the conversation ends...i thought of not calling my mom dat frequently anymore...mayb once a week...i, determined!!

but, after few days...i can't resist the tempation of calling my mom...
i just don't want to miss any moments that i have...the opportunties to hear her voice...the opportunities to talk to her...to share with her...to be with her...
because i don't want to waste any opportunities given by God...i don't want to miss a thing...i don't want to regret...
therefore, it doesn't matter if we talked about useless things...if she's not excited...if she's bored...because i don't want to miss a thing...because i love her...

>>>>>to abah<<<<<
sorry for not talking to you like i did with mom...
i don't know what to say to you...i have no idea what to talk about...
it's not because i don't miss you like i miss mom...
i love you...i did mention in my letter right!!

you know, when you called me that day...i'm so excited...
when you called me, i know it's not so much because you want to talk to me...
it's because you want to spend your 100myr credit rite (that's what you said)
but i know...you did miss me...a bit...
because i do miss u too...(though i think i'm not)

u know how i found out that i miss you.....
because right after we ended the conversation.....i laid on my bed.....and i cried...


naiffahz said...

wei,taknak rr sedih2,tak bes rr.xbaik rr camtu,mane tau ayah ko btul2 tringat ko.stiap org ade their own way to xpres mende2 camni,tul tak..kate 'love shouldn't nesscrly b xpres wif words'..hehe.ak rase mak ko mesti sukeee je ko call tiap2 hari,mane ade bosan laa..ni ak rase laaa ;-)

rienmiel said...

tau tu...
aku saje je low profile...haha

-LyS- said...

amrin..u r soo sweet..huhu..