.::088 : trust::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

First of all, thanks to Fina for inviting me to read her blog. Actually, it was me who demands it ^^. When I read her entry about "trusting people", I started pondering whether or not I am the kind of person who easily trust people. This is a pretty hard judgement to make for I have to decide which group of people I belong to - group A (easily trust people) or group B (vice versa)...hmm.

Basically, I think that there is no clear cut-off to define a person as type A or type B. What sort of measurement do we consider when classifying people. Even if we've listed some criteria or situation (like normal questionnaire usually does), where do we draw the line between type A or type B. Is numerical score per se enough to classify people for being such and such. So for me, this is not an easy claim to make.

For me, I would view the concept of trustness as a process. Usually when we met someone, we tend to (not necessarily) have doubt in the person (though there's some cases where we immediately knew that we can trust the person by simply looking at the face...I won't deny this!). I would consider having doubt or curiosity as the first stage in building trustness for it is the key for us know more about the person. After several contacts with the person (meeting, chatting, laughing), we started to discover more about the person. The longer we spend our time with the person (especially if we stay together with the person more than three days), the greater we knew about them since the the true characters will gradually shown up eventhough the person was iniatially pretending or faking to be someone else (like me sometimes^^). It is along the process of knowing that we decide whether to trust the person or not.

I would say that for every different person around me, I would have different degree of trustness for each of them. This is to say that the level of trustness that I set would vary according to individual. The level itself is not fix but flexible. It can increse or decrease depending on several factors like the closeness, the subject matter as well as other simple matters that I find difficult to describe them here.

Take an example, I have four friends: A, B, C, and D. Let's say I have a big new...emm...say getting married or broke up with a boy friend (huh?). And the first person to know is A. It is only a week later that B, C and D knew about it. In this situation, B, C and D should never get me wrong for not informing them earlier. It is not that I didn't trust them but like I said, it is the level of trustness that varies. This is the fact that many of us have to take note especially in a relationship so that we don't easily get offended when we feel that we've been left out (a note for me too ^^).

So, my point here is that, I do trust most people around me (read: those whom I knew) BUT it's the degree of trustness that differs. I don't like to have sceptical attitude toward someone (though sometimes I cannot help but do so^^). Even in ISLAM, we are encourage to practice HUSNUZZON i.e. having good perception towards someone else =)


p/s: eh...do you think I can be trusted?...ngee...


-LyS- said...

i tink i can trust u :D

rienmiel said...

to lisa: really? thanks eh...hihihi

AmiE said...

ok, now i really need to know, which level i am in?..


As for me, i tell things to what they want to hear.For example, if i know that A likes to hear more bout gossips than bout myself than i i will tell her more bout my relationship than things that have been goin' around me. elok ke camni?..ntah..haha

btw: read warx's n munir's blog.Someone getting engaged!..

rienmiel said...

to amie: rahsia la...hehe
but if you remember all d stories we shared those days...before we go to sleep...maybe u can guess which level u r at...hehe

and, i would say that what u claim is somewhat true...kire ikut subject-matter la kan...bkn kite pilih bulu, but we just cater individual preferences...haha

amie, kte dh tau dah who's getting engaged from blog munir. amie ble plak? jgn lupe sebar2kan. Takut terpinang "mr right" amie lak ^^