.::073 : becoming a better ME::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Some people may wonder what is so interesting about blogging or blog-hopping. And I have my own answer about that.

First of all, I really love reading. But, I have my own preferred genre. I love to read stories related to real-life situation rather than those rated as 'action', 'sci-fi', thriller' or 'mystery' kind of thing. I fond of reading 'light' material that doesn't require such a huge proportion of my mental resources. Stories like personal experience; be it happiness, loneliness, hardship and romance, are typically my 'genre'. And now, I don't need to read or buy any storybooks at all as all these kind of stories are readily available online - they are in the blogs!!! I can choose any blog to read regardless the fact that I knew the person who authored it or not, and as a bonus, all the stories are not created for they all happened for real. This means, they are far more realistic than idealistic stories typically published on paper.

Every experience is unique. We'll never able to experience every single things in this life for it's impossible to even list them all in a first place. And it is through this 'sharing' process that we could learn something as knowledge is not only gained through formal schooling. Bear in mind that it is not necessary to 'feel' something before we could 'learn' something from it. Other's experinces could at least prepare us to deal with things that may occur in the future.

And one more thing for sure, other's experiences also inspire me to be a better person. They've proved that they can do it so why shouldn't I?.....for at least try.....not for me to be someone else.....but for me to be a better ME.....



-LyS- said...

hey, im becoming fond of writing blogs too..
n was inspired by YOU..:D..
it has been a good hobby i guess.haha.

rienmiel said...

don't u just think that blogging is cool eh =)

AmiE said...


amrien dearie..
this entry sounds like someone who just or wants to start something over..or is it just ma feeling?

elders says learn from experiences, either ours or others..

tau perez hilton x?..bley consider 'light-reading' material x?..sbb skrg tgh addicted..


rienmiel said...

amie dearie...
i'm not sure about starting something over...but what can I say for now at least is that i kinda of inspired to do many things...
i may not be able to achieve all at once but i'll see what i can do ^^

perez hilton? hope to know more from you ^^