.::302 : weekend yang sangat lepak::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Esok sekolah tapi satu lesson pun x plan lagi. Cuma baju je yang dah beriron plus weekly reflection. Buku rekod masih caca-merba dan last week stuff's masih x dikemas kini. Tak tau la kenapa rilex sangat lepas debriefing haritu. Lepak je.

My friend said weekend kene la rehat2....but not in my case. Weekend ni kena la siapkan bnda yang x siap time weekdays. Plan lesson, siapkan reflection and whatsoever. Tapi kalau dah malas kan, semua tu hanya la tinggal senarai...haha...

Btw, I still got 6 weeks kat sekolah tu. Meaning, sebulan setengah je lagi. Though I hate the fact that I need to be observed and evaluated (which made me wanted to get this thing over and done a.s.a.p), I enjoy being at the school - meeting my beloved students. At this moment, they are my sweethearts la konon2....haha...(sorry eh my nephews ;P)
