.::enjoying myself::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah. I am so happy right now because I have so many things to read.
First, I have finished reading Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 (Indonesian version). Looking forward to read Dari Sujud Ke Sujud.,.insyaAllah.
Second, I have a Malay version of Raheeq Makhtum to be finished. I have read 1/3 of it and aim to complete it by this weekend.
Second, I am currently reading a blog suggested by Fariena. So insightful.
InsyaAllah, will share what I have read in this blog and during the weekly gathering.

p/s: Actually, what makes me truly happy is when I managed to use my leisure time doing beneficial things. And now, I feel that reading really makes me crazy. I just couldn't stop. I hope that I am not just "growing" my "aql" but also my "qalb" and my "amal". InsyaAllah.



Anonymous said...

Salam cik RIENNNNN!!!

Hahak! :D

Buku dah habis baca blm?
Kita pun tengah mengkaji buku.. Hahak! Ada satu 'projek' mengisi masa ai yang sentiasa lapang ni.. Hehe!

Btw, gua rindu sama lho! :D

pssssttt.. id YM saya - tapaiubi_pulut@yahoo.com :D

Fina said...

amrien....sy nak menginvite anda ke rumah baru saya http://double1three.blogspot.com

Bookworm said...

salam bookworm kepada amrien yg telah secara official telah addicted to books haha!yay kudos!

rienmiel said...

to cik akira:

buku the sealed nectar ade last 1/3 nak habis....

ei..u ngah wat projek ape tu ;)

to fina:

saya dh menjengah dh b4 awak invite ;)

to kak jamie:

heh...book addict ke? insyaAllah =)