.::060 : ketika cinta bertasbih::.

Hari ahad lepas, saya ke MPH di Tesco, Klang. Akhirnya, hasrat untuk memiliki dan membaca satu lagi karya Kang Abik @ Habiburrahman El-Shirazy termakbul jua. Saya akhirnya berpeluang membaca novel "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1" - one of the books in my to-read-list =). So far, ok la. Saya suke novel ni seperti juga Ayat-Ayat Cinta. And I'm looking foward to read other novels authored by him after this. Kire demam Kang Abik la sekarang. Apatah lagi filem Ayat-Ayat Cinta bakal release di Indonesia 19 Disember. How excited I am to watch this film. But still, I put no expectation on this. I won't compare this film to the real novel. Mana mungkin filem yang pendek durasinya dapat dibandingkan dengan novel yang setebal ratusan halaman. Tapi siapa tahu filem ini mungkin setanding naskah asal...hehe. Watching its one-minute-trailer has enough to make me feel excited. Siap gile nak download die nyer OST by Rossa. Tapi, tak berhasil lagi. For those yang ade jangan lupe forwardkan ek...hehe.

Alhamdulillah, semalam gak saya dapat access my e-student untuk check result exam. Thanks Lisa for everything. Without you, I have no idea what to do. Remember, I owe you the story about Mr. X, Lisa...hehe. At first, I didn't expect that Lisa had cleared my debt. Saje suke-suke nak view that page. Tetiba boleh plak. Rase nak gugur jantung bile the result page suddenly appeared on the screen. Alhamdulillah, sangat tak sangka dengan result yang saya dapat. Walau tak sebaik mana, tapi berbekalkan usaha yang sedikit, keputusan itu memang suatu hadiah dari Allah. Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Tuhanku. InsyaAllah, akan ku tunaikan janjiku pada-Mu. I has promised to myself to focus on my study next semester. Cukuplah, pengalaman ngeri itu jadi pengajaran. Alhamdulillah, semoga tahun depan, saya akan dapat meningkatkan keazaman untuk maju ke hadapan. Bila kita punya wawasan, terasa kehidupan akan lebih bermakna. Moga niat ini tidak akan hanya tinggal angan kosong. Amrien-chan, gambatte ne!!

Sekarang ni, muka saya menggelupas dengan teruknya. My little brother said, "Ina, horrornye muka ko". Hmm...camne nak buat kan. At first, I thought it's because of the habuk and hama etc. My skin is quite sensitive with dust etc. Maybe alergi kot. Then, my sis suspect it's because of the facial foam and moisterizer because I used different product, not the usual one that I normally used back in Sydney. But I said to her, all this while, I faced no problem in using any products...so, why suddenly this thing happened to me? Mak then said that maybe it's because of the climate change. She said that she faced the same thing too when she came back from Mekah last year. She further claimed that one of her friends also faced the same thing when she came back from overseas. Hmm...climate change? Maybe la kot. My skin memang sangat sensitif pun. Mak selalu cakap my skin "cap ayam" la, "second hand" la. Tapi, saya tak terasa pun sebab memang saya sendiri yang tak makan sayur sangat if compared to my other siblings. So, tak blehla nak dakwa-dakwi apa-apa. Tanggung la sendiri kan. Tapi sekarang saya dah belajar-belajar makan sayur balik sebab kat Australia saya makan sayur tau. Tanya my housemates...hehe. But really...it is undeniable that my face sekarang memang horror. Tapi kalau die menggelupas untuk jadi putih sket ok gak...hehe...in my dream la kan. Tak berniat pun...Saya dah bersyukur dengan yang sedia ada...gelap pun gelap la...hehe.

Oklah, entry ni memang merapu sana-sini. Escapism dr menjadi babysitter. Penat seyh...hehe


Anonymous said...

wah..dh bc KAng Abik's Ktk Cinta Bertasbih.. nk jugak nk jugak..

AmiE said...


nvel ayat2 cinta pun x hbs belek lg..haih..amrien sdh semakin jauh ke hdpn..

btw, kulit muka menggelupas kenapa?teruk ke?..kalo ms winter, ms sejuk2 pki losyen tak cover sblm pki bedak?..dkt sydney je ke? or dkt malaysia skali?..

I'm concern.

-LyS- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
-LyS- said...

amrin..no worries bout dat:)..
how was ur result?
ni tgh tumpang gune laptop am..
dh lame xtulis blog..byk mende nk cite.huhu
owh ye, cite mr.x, nnt la eh.;D
*mkn la sayur elok utk kesihatan*
miss u .

Anonymous said...

amrien..best x novel tu??seswai x utk i??

rienmiel said...

to kak farah: best gak la...kne bc 2nd episode br tau ending die...

to amie: amie, kte dh okey day...climate changes kot...my skin ni sensitif sket. btw, thanks 4 ur concern.

to lisa: miss u too =)

to salina: u sesuai je bace...die xde had umur...hehehe