.::354 : jiwa kacau::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Yup...aku tau mmg x elok aku off-task time kerja...aku tau...x berkat semua tu..
tapi, aku betul2 lost skrg...aku x boleh concentrate pada apa yang aku lakukan...
fikiran sangat kacau...
buktinya mudah...aku dh post 3 entri hari ni...sth yg aku x pernah buat kot b4 this esp. once aku start kerja...

aku tak tahu apa yang aku fikir skrg...
tp hati aku sgt x tenang...
hati pedih...
kepala berat...
fikiran menerawang...

aku tau aku patutnya b'skp professional...
personal is personal...
work is work...
and aku tau aku dh bw personal matters dlm waktu kerja...which i know is unethical...
tapi aku seriuosly out of place skrg...
ni je cara aku nak express ketidakwarasan aku.... if x, kesian la org yg kene dengar bebelan aku...
but in fact, aku x rasa ade org yg btul2 faham keadaan skrg...
so, i better keep it to myself first...
skrg, aku hnya fikir laut, lagu dan i feel like crying...

Allah, campakkanlah ketenangan dalam hatiku....moga aku mampu 'berfikir' dengan baik...aminn



Azha said...

You are not alone, Amrien. There are thousands of people who spend their working hours for facebooking, blogging, watching movies (I do this on numerous occasions), going back home and all that jazz. But for me, as an academician, as long as we execute our teaching that would suffice. We are not admin or clerical staff who have to sit from 8am to 5 pm in the office. Even they still have time to do other things than their office work. Beats me. I believe our working hours is different and yet flexible. Sometimes we need to impart our self-destructive and argumentative mind to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities just to liberate all the tensions that freeze the hell out of our very minds.Especially teaching.Sangat menyakitkan hati, memeningkan kepala, meruntun jiwa. I have been teaching for almost a year.Sometimes I feel tired, disappointed and nak berhenti mengajar.But this is life.Life is so vile.I'd better fight for life or rot and die.Haha.Buck up Amrien.We have ups and downs.It's time for you to buck up.Cheerio.

rienmiel said...

thanks for ur words... to some extent, it does help :)

Fina said...

Babe, kesian ko kena dengar bebelan aku yesterday when in fact ko pun ade problem...

u know that i'm just a misscall away now...hehe..mc me, then i'll call u if u wanna talk : ) letting things out could somehow help to ease the burden...luv ya! : )