.::047 : mimpi yang tak sudah::.

Lately, I've been having bad dreams...
Just recently, I dreamt about "pontianak maya karin"...
Surprisingly, that wasn't a nightmare for me...
Regardless the fact that there was maya karin with her"pontianak" look, the dream turned out to be funny...it was a silly dream after all..hehe
And, this morning, while I am taking a little nap, I dreamt about Kiki...

In my dream, my sister 'killed' Kiki...

She doesn't want to take care of Kiki anymore because Kiki is having bad rashes...
She said she doesn't want her child to "berkudis sana-sini' (haha...bodonye reason)...
So, after Kiki took his bath, she quickly wrapped Kiki using old newspaper and just threw him out...(klaka lagi)
I wasn't noticed the absence of Kiki until I asked my sister about him...
At first, she refused to answer...
But, when asked "did you threw him out?", she nodded!! (Actually, I am just being sarcastic, not to expect it to be true...)
Upon hearing her answer, I cried "bagai x mahu" for I nearly faint...
I said to her that I've waited patiently for such a long period of time just to meet Kiki but she just threw him out before I even have a chance to play with him...
I said that how cruel she is to do such thing...
I further added that "a child is not always like we want him/her to be...it is a gift from God and should be appreciated no matter what" (ceh..ayat poyo)...
She then realized that she has made a big mistake and promised to look for Kiki...
She really hope that he is still alive....

Haha...though this sounds so funny and very illogical (like typical dreams usually be), I think the dream did give an impact to me...
I think I am too looking forward in meeting him this december and it proves how I miss Kiki and the others damn much...
I pray that everything will be just fine...aminn...


Anonymous said...

hoish merapu!!!hahahahah!

Anonymous said...

memangla merapu..nama pun mimpi^^

Anonymous said...


it just a dream..just a dream..=)

but scientifically, medically dream actually do have some connection in our everyday lives.

But still, it just a dream =)..

tdo x basuh kaki ye?..huhu..

nice blogs u have here.girl, i link urs in mine k.

love n miss u lots tau tak!..sob*sob

rienmiel said...

thanks for dropping by...hehe
tu la...
maybe x basuh kaki kot...ceh..ade kaitan ke...haha

-LyS- said...

dreams culd b unbelievable ;D

rienmiel said...

yeah..dat's so true lisa...

Far Azmi said...

sy mimpi adik2 sy juga smlm.. kitorg berempat naik soyuz yg sheikh musapahar naik tu pergi ke angkasa.. sgt real smpi rs mimpi tu betul

rienmiel said...

amboi..naik soyuz bagai...
hebat mimpimu itu...