.::035 : ahlan wasahlan ya ramadhan::.

i'm counting days right now...waiting for ramadhan to come...
when i was young (i'm no longer young now i guess...huhu), ramadhan merely means a month before syawal...i.e hari raya..yeay...
nothing much to say about it...

but, as i grew up...i began to discover and realize that there's something special and more meaningful about ramadhan...
it is not easy to describe what i feel right now...
yeah..it's true that ramadhan is a month that is full with barakah...
we are given so many opportunities to gain rewards and bounties...alhamdulillah...
but, without self-realization, all those hikmah and barakah could be ignored just like that...isn't...
i'm so grateful that i still get the opportunity to realize what i should realize from the very beginning...
no regret...i think it is better late than never...as they always say...

though i'm spending my ramadhan this year in a country where islam isn't the official religion...i think it's ok...
it may sounds pity as i am afar from my family...
but, it is this place that 'taught' me many things especially about my religion...
i began to understand my religion better...
for me now, islam is not merely a religion...it is the way of life that i should lead...
with this understanding, i could feel that my life has gradually changed...alhamdulillah...
i gradually find the tranquility that i longed for since before...

**my knowledge of cohesion and thematic progression extremely agree for this entry to be rejected by linguist...x coherent langsung...huhu...


~syalluv~ said...

aku rs coherant je..haha..bg link ko ni kat sue =P

rienmiel said...

abis tercemar nama ipba nnti if sue bace nih...hehe

Rosyada said...

I know how u feel...

mmg sayu sambut Ramadan + Aidilfitri jauh dari keluarga dan tanah air...

but we have our friends with us don't we??

boleh sahur, bukak puasa, terawikh sama2 :)

rienmiel said...

thanks kak syada...
act, x sedey sgt sbb ramai kwn2 kat sini..
kak syada kan ade..hikhik