.::350 : salam from batu rakit::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Hello everybody! I hope all of us are doing fine no matter where we are right now. I am currently in Terengganu, a state where I found many interesting stories. Actually, I don’t know whether the interesting part come from the place itself, or it’s me who make everything looks interesting in my eyes =) This may be so perhaps because this is the first time I’ve been away from my place, my comfort zone. Last two years, when I was overseas, the feeling was a bit different because at that time I knew already and I sort of have set my mind to expect “the difference” between my country and the foreign land. But this time, when I first stepped my foot on the land some called it as “Darul Runtuh” (no offense please anyone…some Terengganu people actually mentioned that to me), I do not know what to expect. So any experiences that I had here feel so fresh, new and interesting so to say because I never had it anywhere else before.

Somehow, to a certain extent, I feel really greatful to be here. Praise be to Allah for arranging such kind of ‘fate’ for me. Though at times, I still have this feeling of “disbelief” that I am actually here and will spend few years of my life here, I am indeed happy with it. To tell you the truth, I actually wonder how can I feel so positive towards the fact that I need to be far away from my loved ones…ever since I received the placement letter. Even now, I wonder why am I willing to stay here for five-days-holidays when I am capable of going back to my hometown. Never in my life before that I would choose not to go back home whenever I am on holidays (except when I was overseas). But, that’s what happening now. I guess this is all God’s job. When I reflect back of what’s happening, I suddenly remember that I once prayed that if I am not getting a nearby place to start my career, I really wish that wherever I will be, I hope that Allah will give me these two things: safety and peace. Alhamdulillah, Allah gives me both. So far, I would say that the place I am currently at is considered as safe. And I didn’t expect the “peace” part would come like this. This feeling is so “powerful” that I didn’t expect it to have a total control of my life right now. I just realized that any “awkwardness” or whatever “changes” in my behavior and attitudes are the results of the “peace and tranquility” that God has sent to me to soothe my heart. MasyaAllah, what a blessing! Thank you Allah!

Now, what can I say is just that I am coping quite well with my new life in the new surroundings. I like my workplace, my colleagues, my housemates, my students, and Terengganu in general. I guess God is kind enough to let me have this kind of experience so that I could broaden my view and perception of life, so I could clear any prejudices that I had before towards certain people and places, so I could in the end be a very “open-minded” individual and most importantly not an egocentric one. That’s what I see for now and I am very looking forward to discover the many-more-interesting-facts that I believe God has prepared for me. I know this journey won’t be as easy as I want it to be, but I guess as long as Allah is there for me, I think life is just nothing without any challenges. For me, it’s from those obstacles that we learnt something about life and thus made the journey such a meaningful one especially for the benefits of the life in the hereafter.

To my family, my mom especially, you don't have to worry about me. Alhamdulillah, I am OK here. Although we are far by physical distance, yet it feels so near at heart. Just pray for me because it's the prayers that will safeguard me from anything. InsyaAllah, He will look after me on your behalf :) To my beloved friends, enjoy your stay wherever you are and insyaAllah, we will somehow rock the world in our very own way. All the best ya :)


p/s: Now, I am 85% sure that I am “ok” with the fact that I am actually a “teacher”. I’ll definitely mark the day when I am 100% confident to say that I DESERVED TO BE A TEACHER =)