.::285 : of current mood or mode::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Firstly, praise be to Allah...finally he is back!!!
Though I haven't met him yet...hearing his voice was just enough to make me feel relief...
At least now, half of the burden is gone...
I really hope that this 'event' would be a greatest turning point for him, the family and me as well...insyaAllah...

On another note, I don't know why would I be very moody these days...
I just don't know but some people can easily annoy me at times...
What to do? Simple....just ignore that person...at least for that particular moment...
Maybe it's just about time...
You know when people say, "wrong timing"...
whatever la kan ;P


.::284 : off-tasking::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Saya sedar saya terlalu kerap off-task sekarang...
Kalau tidak, masakan hari ni je, dah 3 entries saya tulis...
Nak buat macamne, fikiran saya ntah kemana2 dah...tak fokus langsung...
Dan saya nak admit, saya memang easily distracted pun...hmmm...

Tiba2 saya terfikir...
bukan senang rupanya untuk kita cuba tak affect orang lain dengan keadaan diri kita...
somehow or rather...tempiasnya terkena juga...
like in my case, I knew I am not in a good 'condition' mentally and emotionally...
and as much as I like to share...I just couldn't do so this time...
and to keep things to myself is not an easy task for me to do jugak...duhh
so, I ended up having mood swing...not once...but many times...

I knew it's not fair for the people around me to be treated like this...
but I just couldn't handle the situation...
I am terribly sorry and I hope they could just bear with me this time...
all I need is time....onegaishimasu ^_^


.::283 : m.i.s.s.i.n.g::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

if I miss him = you miss him
if you miss him = everybody miss him

therefore, I miss him = everybody miss him

full stop.

I knew I have been rambled a lot in all of these current entries...just ignore me please...
I just need a space to escape...

Yeah...escapism is the word...


.::282 : jauh::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

tak sanggup lagi lihat dia dalam lara...
kerana tangisnya tangisku jua...
deritanya deritaku jua...
sakitnya sakitku jua...

tapi aku sendiri tak mampu mengubah cerita...
aku sendiri tak mampu berbuat apa-apa...
selain memohon belas ihsan dari-Nya...
agar cerita duka ini berakhir saja...
dan pergi buat selamanya...

-aku yang tak bisa melihat dia sengsara memendam rasa-
