.::275 : remuk::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T
"Bila kau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu,
yang menciptakan segalanya,
yang menimpakan ujian,
yang menjadikan sakit hatimu,
yang membuat keinginanmu terhalang serta menyusahkan hidupmu...
Pasti akan damailah hatimu kerana
masakan Allah sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia...
Bukan Allah tidak tahu deritanya hidupmu, retaknya hatimu,
tapi mungkin itulah yang Dia mahu
kerana Dia tahu hati yang sebeginilah yang selalunya lebih lunak dan mudah untuk dekat dan akrab dengan-Nya..."
ujian merupakan sebahagian daripada tarbiyah...
ujian mugkin merupakan kifarah kpd dosa...
ujian sentiasa mengingatkan kita kpd DIA...
ujian adakalanya membuatkan kita rasa kerdil dan menyedarkan kita bahawa ada yang lbh berkuasa..
Alhamdulillah... ujian sebagai bukti.. kita masih lg meraih perhatian Tuhan Yang Esa...
Credit to whoever wrote that excerp. Thank you so much because your writing had in some ways helped me to 'recover'. Alhamdulillah...praise be to Allah for choosing me to be a Muslim...a practising muslim (insyaAllah). The belief in Allah and the teachings of Islam has guided me to deal with 'anger, frustration, sadness and dissapointment with a smile on the face (metaphorically). I knew everything happened for reason(s) and only He knows what's best for me. And now, all I need is a strong heart so that I could move on without any regrets, hesitations nor dissatisfactions for I knew He is all-Knowing, all-Watching :)

.::274 : choices?::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I wonder why am I taking such a long time to decide...and to act...
I knew exactly that I don't have choices...
and yet...nothing is showing anything...

p/s: Ya Allah, please guide me...now and forever...insyaAllah


.::273 : nande?::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

I don't understand myself...
Have I actually lost interest in studying?
Another two semesters and then it's over...
Gambatte ne!!!

p/s: this is the effect of having a 4-days-class schedule followed by a one-week-break...never want to return again :(

.::272 : reflection::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T


I wonder how I can be very excellent in one area and yet be very sengalzzzzzz in other field. Is this what we called individual potentials or multiple intelligences or whatever they call it. This is the moment when I really "learned" what my weakest point is / are (more to be realized...heh)


Hmm...this time I think I should take back my words. It seems that everything has turned to be alright. The point that I made about this particular person seems to be no longer valid. Perhaps, I was too emotional at that time that I could easily make such claim about that person. I knew it's not fair for "X" to be judged by me. I've not seen "X" for such a long period so I should not actually come into conclusion that "X" is like such and such only after a few meetings with "X". Now, I am truly happy because my relationship with "X" has turned to normal mode again. No more negative thoughts, no more prejudices. What I knew is that I should learn to love "X" and learn to accept whatever changes that took place during my absence. Afterall, blood is thicker than water eh...


If people ever wonder whether or not I'll stop blogging, the answer is "No". But, I may not be an active blogger like I used to be when I was overseas. The situation is different now so as the commitments. Yet, I never thought of stop blogging for I think I have found my theraphy :)
