.::296 : Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah, setinggi2 kesyukuran dipanjatkan kepada Allah S.W.T kerana sebahagian beban perasaan yang ditanggung selama ini telah hilang. Before this, banyak sangat perkara yang saya risaukan. Dalam tempoh tu, mulalah penyesalan demi penyesalan terhadap keputusan yang dibuat sebelum ni datang...buat hati rasa tak tenang. Tapi, saya lupa... manusia merancang...Allah turut merancang...tapi perancangan Allahlah yang terbaik kerana Dialah Si Pencipta yang faham benar apa yang terbaik untuk makhluknya. Sebagai makhluk yang kerdil ini, we actually have no right to question whatever that happened to us because it's indeed the best...though it might not look like one from the outside. As a Muslim, we should always believe that there is nothing in this world that happened for no reason...and in fact, be it something that we like or not, things always happened for good...if we ever reflect upon it.

And today, I feel very happy because I could now see the reason why didn't I get the thing that I want. Rupanya, Allah dah takdirkan kami dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik....insyaAllah. Indeed, it's in Islamic teachings pun kan that we need to leave everything to Allah. Sometimes, the plan that we think will work very well could turn out to be very dissapointing and sometimes, the plan that we think will 'kill' us could turn out to be something that we really enjoy...we never knew but He does and will always be...

Moral of the story:

(1) "It may well be that you dislike a thing but it is good for you, and it may well be that you like a thing but it is bad for you. God knows, and you do not know." (2:216)

(2) Sentiasa berserah pada Allah dalam apa jua keadaan. There's no point of crazily worrying about the future when we knew that He has planned everything for us. Dalam bahasa kasarnya; "Dia tahulah apa yang ok dan tak ok untuk kita... So, just face it because in the end, kita memang akan benefit dengan apa yang berlaku...(provided kita buat dengan cara yang betul la eh ;) Yang penting, kita yakin dengan takdir Allah.



Anonymous said...

manusia merancang dengan cita-cita...sedangkan Allah merancang dengan cintaNya...
