.::tagged again::.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

tagged by kak falin:

1. The who tag/pass you is?

kak falin

2. Your relationship with him/her is?
blogger fren merangkap my senior kat samttar

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
baik hati

4. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you?
emm...ape eh kak falin....hehe

5. The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?

mase die komen kat blog...and rase cam die concern abt me...hehe

6. If she/he become your lover you will?

xbleh...kak falin dah ade mr.snm...hehe...lagipun kami bukan bisex

7. If she/he become your lover, thing she/he has to improve on will be?

x sesuai

8. If she/he become your enemy, you will?

insyaAllah x kan kak :)

9. If she/he become your enemy, the reason will be?
xmo gaduh2 la....

10. The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now is?
buat tag ni =)

11. Your overall impression of her/him is?

nice person

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?


13. The characters you love of yourself are?

i love everything about me....muahaha...giler kuase =)

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?

low self esteem...lack of confidence...inferiority complex...lembap buat keje...

15. The most ideal person you want to be is:

i just want to be me...trying to improve myself

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:

saya sayang kamu dunia akhirat...insyaAllah

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.

1. Cik Ati
2. Cikgu Jawe
3. Kylex
4. Lisa
5. Fina
6. Salina
7. Syairah
8. Syila
9. Syal
10. Amie

18. Who is No.6 having relationship with?

sape sal...u x gtau i pun...hehe

19. Is No.9 a male or female?


20. If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
x sesuai la

21. What is No.2 studying about?

he's a history teacher....betul ke cj?

22. When was the last time you had a chat with No.3?

x chat..komen blog je..

23. What kind of music band does No.8 like?

emm...tatau...tp lagu korea cam pasti je...hehe

24. Does No.1 have any siblings?

ade....cik ati ade abang kan at least...hehe

25. will you woo No.3?

emm...no komen

26. How about No.7?

lagi la no komen

27. Is No.4 single?
hehe...lisa...ape status skrg...hehe

28. What is the surname of No.5?
bapak die nama shukor...tu je i tau

29. What’s the hobby of No.10?
x pasti...tp amie pandai bermain kata2...cewah

30. Does No.5 and 9 get along well?
yes...i guess...sbb ms fina dtg sydney...nampak ok je die ngan syal

31. Where is No.2 studying at?
cj dah keje dah

32. Talk something casually about No.1?
cik ati...saya teringin nak jumpa kamu =)

33. Have you tried developing feelings for No.6?

haha...xmo la...nnti ade org jeles kan sal....

34. Where does No.9 live at?

kat 128, muv, sydney

35. What colour does No.4 like?

deep purple

/36. Are No.5 and 1 best friends?

i wonder if they knew each other

37. Is No.7 the sexiest person in the world?

haha...syairah...jawab jgn x jawab...

38. What is No.6 doing now?

siapkan eseimen kot sbb she's be finishing her study at qut soon

The End



akirasuri said...

Saya ada abang, saya ada kakak tapi saya tak ada adik..

Dan paling penting saya muda remaja lagi.. Kakaka!


snm | snm said...

Salam rien..
akak ni kejam ~~ :p
rien..bg tag kt cikgu jawe tu? silap2 2,3 thn akn dtg bru dia buat (ayat mencabar nih :p) akak rse la kn rien, dia hutang tag dgn org lain tah brp lame tah agknye :p

rienmiel said...

to cik ati:

o yeah...
kite kan memang masih muda remaja...hikhik

to kak falin:

wslm kak...
haha..biar die...
hutang keliling pinggang...hehe

syairah said...

sy kn wat ke bnde2 tag nie?hehe
sy nie lambat & lembap sket bab2 tag nie

rienmiel said...

to syairah:

kene la...kalau x, tak tau la lembap ke x..hikhik