.::007 : desperate housewife::.

thinking about what's happening this evening really makes me smile...
funny...seriously funny...
wondering if we are actually born to be housewives...success housewives...hahaha...

to tell the truth, i just wonder why we must bump into some friends when we do our groceries shopping...
it's not shameful but i just feel awkward...huhu...
and today...for the "don't-know-how-many-times-we've-bumped-into-each-other",i suddenly wonder if we really act like housewives...apakah benar??...tidak!!!

emm...whatever it is...i don't care and i don't bother anymore...
what to do, i am born to be the type of person who don't really like to hang out with friends, eat outside i.e @ restaurant, stalls etc., watch movies in cinema..what more window shopping (though i seem to develop this habit recently...i hope it won't stay)...huhu

since before, i don't like to go out...be it girls outing, class outing, even "asrama outing"...
i could certainly remember how many times i went for weekly outing when i was in kisas years ago...
in two years time, i only went "outing" for about 3 or 4 times...not more than 5 obviously...ntahpapekan...
i once heard one of my friend claimed that "hish, aku x bleh r duk kat asrama...cam bengang kepala otak...rase nak keluar gak"...note:ayat ini telah direpharase kpd ayatku sendiri...haha
my response would be: "ye ke...aku ske je duk asrama, basuh baju, kemas2 bilik...keluar cam busan je...bukan ade pape...penat je dapat"...but please note that this sentence is just "monolog dalaman"...hahaha

seriously...i am a homely type person...
i like to stay at home damn much...
be it in klang...kl...even in australia...i still like to be at home during my free time...it's like "rumahku syurgaku"...duhhhhh
i only go out when i have something important to do or when i plan to go some places...
it's kinda hard for me to just go out when some friends ask me to...
...coz i don't have any plan for that...and most importantly, it's bcs i have planned to stay at home...my heaven...huhu
so...sometimes, it's hard to decide wheather or not u should leave your heaven...
imagine...would you leave your heaven for something else...hmmm...something to ponder about...pikir2...jgn x pikir...
okay...that's all for now...xde idea dah...huhu
need to download new songs from iffah's multiply...


Anonymous said...

ok,this is my 4th time writing u this comment because email tak verify n i xtau!!!! i mean i tak pasan kena verify....ok,i hope ko dpt yg nie...

this is what aku tulis (though not exactly in the original comment..hehe):
mine would be sleeping.....for me slepping is the best medicine for annoyance n bad mood....hahaha!!!

rienmiel said...

haha...boleh ek...
act, me too...sometimes...